Samsung Galaxy S22 - Wikipedia
The Samsung Galaxy S22 is a series of high-end Android -based smartphones developed, manufactured, and marketed by Samsung Electronics as part of its Galaxy S series. Unveiled at Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked event on 9 February 2022.
Samsung Galaxy S22 - 百度百科
Samsung Galaxy S22搭载高通骁龙8 Gen1八核处理器,预装基于Android 12的One UI 4.1操作系统;后置5000万像素广角镜头+1200万像素超广角镜头+1000万像素长焦镜头三摄,支持广角和长焦镜头支持OIS光学防抖等拍照功能;前置1000万像素镜头;搭载3700毫安时容量不可拆卸电池 ...
Samsung Galaxy S22 Models - Samsung Electronics America
Galaxy S22 Ultra is the first Galaxy S with a built-in S Pen. Even cooler: both phone and S Pen are rated IP68. With mind-blowing tech made for all, there's no telling where a Galaxy can take you. Enjoy exclusive volume discounts, bulk trade-in credit and 0% Samsung Business Financing.
Samsung Galaxy S22 Review - PCMag
2022年2月23日 · The Samsung Galaxy S22 fits comfortably in one hand and is as powerful as its larger siblings, but its small size makes for less battery life.
Samsung Galaxy S22 buyer's guide: Release date, specs, price, …
2023年9月19日 · Samsung launched the Galaxy S22 series on February 9, 2022. This was about a month later than the launch of the Galaxy S21 series. The phones hit the pre-order phase on February 9 and became...
三星Galaxy S22 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
三星Galaxy S22 (英语:Samsung Galaxy S22)是一款由 三星电子 设计、生产、销售和制造的智慧型手机系列产品,是三星 Galaxy S系列 中的第13代,该系列为 Galaxy S21 和 Galaxy Note 20 的继承产品,首次于2022年2月9日的三星Galaxy Unpack活动中亮相。 S22系列共分为S22、S22+、S22 Ultra,其中S22配备6.1寸屏幕,S22+则是6.6寸,而且充电速度更快且电池容量大,S22 Ultra则是6.8寸屏幕及最大的电池容量,与S22和S22+相比有更加丰富的镜头组合而且还 …
Which Samsung Galaxy S22 Model Should You Buy? - PCMag
2022年2月9日 · Here's what each Samsung Galaxy S22 model brings to the table. Samsung just announced three new flagship phones for 2022. The Galaxy S22, the Galaxy S22+, and the Galaxy S22 Ultra all...
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra - 百度百科
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra是三星于2022年2月10日发布的手机产品;于3月4日在中国国内正式发售。 Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra手机采用直板设计,搭载6.8英寸(直角) 屏幕;机身长度为163.3毫米,宽度为77.9毫米,厚度为8.9毫米,重量为228克;配有绯影红、雾松绿、羽梦白、曜 …
Galaxy S22 Series – Samsung Global Newsroom
2022年8月11日 · The Galaxy S22 series offers the Galaxy lineup’s highest ever performance, is equipped with an image sensor that is larger than its predecessor, and includes innovative camera features like Nightography that are based on unrivaled AI technology.
一文看懂三星Galaxy S22/22+/22 Ultra区别:超大杯独享1TB及S …
今晚三星发布了Galaxy S22系列手机,主要是S22、S22+及S22 Ultra中杯、大杯及超大杯三款,这三款手机不仅仅是大小及售价不同,配置上还有很多细节,这里来看看三款手机的具体区别。 首先来看外观,这次三星在Galaxy S22系列手机的配色上做足了功夫,并提供了三星商城独有的配色。 具体来说,每款系列都有四种基本颜色,绯影红、雾松绿、羽梦白、曜夜黑,但不是每款机型的颜色都一致,此外还有三种或者四种三星网上商城专属颜色,比如远山灰、湖屿蓝和蔷薇红 …