S355JR Steel (1.0045 Material) Properties & Equivalent
S355JR steel (1.0045 material) is one of the quality grades in S355 steel group, the steel has a minimum yield strength of 355 MPa (51 ksi) when the thickness is ≤16mm, and the minimum impact energy 27J at room temperature 20 °C (68 °F).
Steel S355JR: characteristics, properties, analogues - Metinvest
Steel grade S355JR is used to manufacture hot-rolled flat and long products, which are subsequently used when producing steel building structures. Classification: Non-alloy structural steel. Products: Flat and long products, semi-finished products.
Material S355 Steel Properties, Equivalent Grade, EN 10025-2
The tables below show the material grade S355 steel properties and specification according to EN 10025-2 standard, including chemical composition, yield strength, tensile strength and elongation, etc.
S355JR、S355J0、S355J2、S355K2对应国标材质 - 知乎
一、 S355JR 就是 BS EN 10025;S355JR相当于我国相当于我国——低合金高强度结构钢的钢号(欧标EN10025)。 其中355是指:屈服强度355MPa。 屈服强度355MPa相当于GB的Q345常说的低合金板。 JR表示该号没有冷成型等特殊要求,我国最接近的材料是: Q345B。 三、 S355J2 执行标准:EN10025,是s355j2欧标低合金钢板。 S355J2就是普通的欧洲低合金钢板,一般的中厚板钢厂都可以生产,生产标准参照EN10025即可。 仅供参考,对应需要 根据您客户的具体的 …
S355JR ( 1.0045 ) - Steel Number
Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels. Equivalent grades of steel S355JR (1.0045) Warning! Only for reference.
S355JR - Q/BQB 303-2018 - 材数库
①180°弯曲试验:当公称厚度t<3时,压弯头直径d=2.5a;当t≥3时,d=3a;a-试样厚度 ②公称厚度t<3,拉伸试样尺寸L0=80mm,b=20mm的延伸率值 ③公称厚度t≥3,拉伸试样尺寸L0=5.65√S0的延伸率值;S0-试样截面面积 ④V 型冲击试验:试样温度-20°C、0°C、+20°C,冲击吸收能量≥27J ⑤对S355JR仅当需方提出要求并在 ...
S355JR Steel Data Sheet: Properties & Composition - studylib.net
2016年11月2日 · Explore the properties of S355JR steel: composition, mechanics, temperatures. A concise data sheet for engineering applications.
S355JR/S355J0/S355J2 Steel Plate under EN10025 - Octal
S355 Grade ranges S355JR, S355J0, S355J2, S355K2 which are non-alloy structural steel material specified in EN 10025 standard. "S" means structural, "355" representas yield strength at 355 Mpa minimum. JR specified the steel need to be impact testing at 27 Joules with logitudinal Charpy V-Notch impact test at room temperature.
S355JR Steel, Datasheet, Properties, Cross-Reference Table, …
This page cover the S355JR chemical element, Mechanical Properties, S355JR Datasheet, Cross Reference of S355JR steel, Mainly used for .
2024年10月22日 · S355JR钢板是一种符合欧标EN10025的低合金高强度结构钢。 它以其高强度、良好的韧性、焊接性能、耐腐蚀性和耐磨性等特点,在建筑、机械、船舶、桥梁、化工、石油、电力等领域发挥着重要作用。