S36 Light Machine Gun | Call of Duty Mobile - zilliongamer
2 天之前 · S36 lmg is the best weapon in light machine gun class by having the highest damage, fast fire rate, and can use for any ranges, the scope-in time is the only part that hold back the S36 to it full potential. S36 Stats - Damage, Fire rate, Accuracy, Mobility, Range
S36 Mejor Configuración y Accesorios en COD Mobile | 2024
Descubre la configuración mas brutal para la S36 que te permitirá destrozar a tus enemigos a cualquier distancia en COD Mobile.
COD Mobile S36 Gunsmith Loadout | ‘No Recoil’ S36 Loadout
2021年2月11日 · Here is the no recoil gunsmith loadout for the S36 Fully Auto LMG in COD Mobile Season 1 and best attachments for optimum use.
S36 Stats Best Class Setups & Attachments COD Mobile
2020年2月14日 · Today’s weapon guide looks at the best class setups and attachments for the S36 LMG in Call of Duty Mobile. First, we will go through the weapon statistics such as damage, fire rate, and recoil. Next, we assess the stats and suggest our top attachments for the weapon.
S36赛季发育路小鸟30秒刷,射手拿到是54经济,辅助加27,全队再平分125,求和是206。 一个人头的经济是200,首杀是300。 所以小鸟能抢就抢,这是你压制对方射手的关键。
Call of Duty Mobile Light Machine Gun Loadout List (2025)
3 天之前 · Find the best LMG loadouts for CODM and dominate! There are 11 weapons in Light machine gun (LMG) class in Call of Duty: Mobile such as M4LMG, RPD, UL736, S36 and Chopper, Hades, and more. View each LMG best loaodut by click on the image. Soon!
CALL OF DUTY MOBILE GUN S36 - NO RECOIL★ REDES SOCIAIS:-NIMOTV: https://www.nimo.tv/flashzito- iNSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/flashzitoo/- Twitter : ww...
2024年7月23日 · 本期就来详细解析下S36赛季辅助梯队排行,给大家推荐几位适合用来冲分的辅助英雄! S36赛季大乔二技能改为以前的专精二技能,现在二技能只能传送一个队友且CD长达25秒,导致以前的大乔老夫子体系玩法不再适用了。 即便遭到削弱,大乔巅峰赛依旧拥有51.4%胜率+74.2%禁用率的数据,改版后上限变低了、但下限也更高了。 一三技能远距离控制消耗,二技能帮队友补状态快速回线上,四技能“摇人机制”还能创造出以多打少的机会,只要传送机制不 …
2024年6月4日 · 下面,大胡子就用前瞻的方式,带大家了解一下,可能实装到S36赛季正式服的一些环境调整吧! 【辅助位】 辅助装备新增金币掉落效果(兵线经济无人获取时),辅助每局 …
Call of Duty Mobile: Guia Completo com as Melhores Armas
2019年10月2日 · As melhores armas de COD Mobile no meta game atual são: Rifle de Assauto: AK117 Submetralhadora: MSMC Sniper: M21 EBR Metralhadora pesada: S36 – Rifles de Assalto – AK117 (Melhor Rifle de Assalto da atualidade) A AK117 seria uma AK47 com um controle um pouco melhor de recoil. Uma arma excelente para média e longa distância.