PELCO ® Silicon Nitride Support Films for TEM - Ted Pella
The PELCO ® Silicon Nitride Support Films for TEM have been developed as an addition to our extensive range of TEM support films to further enable nanotechnology applications and extend molecular biology research. These superior products are made by state-of-the-art semiconductor and patented MEMS fabrication techniques using resilient, low ...
Highly wear-resistant and low-friction Si3N4 composites by
2017年8月30日 · The exfoliated FL-GNPs have been investigated by a Philips CM-20 Transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 200 keV and Raman spectroscopy (Witec Alpha 300 RSA).
Silicon nitride - LNF Wiki - University of Michigan
2020年7月7日 · Silicon nitride, Si3N4, is a common dielectric material used in semi-conductor processing. It can be deposited on a wide variety of substrates using techniques such as LPCVD, PECVD, Sputtering, and Evaporation. The deposition technique used will affect the quality and dielectric strength of the silicon nitride.
氮化硅薄膜的微结构 - 物理学报
利用TEM,STM和PDS显微光度计研究了ECR-PECVD技术制备的Si3N4薄膜的微结构.结果表明:在较低沉积温度下,ECR-PECVD制备的Si3N4薄膜是一种纳米α-Si3N4薄膜,其晶粒粒度在14—29nm间,而且这种薄膜具有较好的表面平整度.初步分析了ECR-PECVD制备的Si3N4在较低沉积温度下形成晶态薄膜的机理. The microstructure of silicon nitride thin film prepared by ECR-PECVD is studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning tunnel microscopy …
科普指南:氮化硅薄膜窗口的介绍、原理及应用场景 - 港湾半导体
2023年3月13日 · 氮化硅(Si3N4)是一种无机非金属材料,具有高强度、高硬度、高耐热性、高耐腐性和低热膨胀系数等特点。 氮化硅可以通过化学气相沉积(CVD)或物理气相沉积(PVD)等方法在衬底上形成均匀而致密的薄膜。 这种薄膜可以作为透射电镜(TEM)的样品支撑平台,即所谓的氮化硅薄膜窗口。 氮化硅薄膜窗口通常由一个标准直径为3mm的衬底框架和一个中间有开孔的氮化硅层组成。 开孔的大小和形状可以根据实验需求定制,一般为正方形或圆形,尺寸从 …
School of Materials Science and Engineering-XIA Min - USTB
2016年7月25日 · Research on the preparation of one-dimensional fusion materials and its application in the improvement of strength and toughness (doctoral thesis); and helium ion implantation work; The main...
Si3N4 Substrates with Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity Suitable …
This paper demonstrates, for the first time, an original approach to improve the thermal performances of Si3N4 substrates for power module applications. In powe.
Crystal structures and electronic properties of Sn
2020年4月22日 · Advanced synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction measurements and TEM analyses on the recovered sample demonstrate that the newly recovered Sn 3 N 4 crystallizes with orthorhombic symmetry and consists of irregularly shaped SnN 5 and SnN 6.
Improved Adhesion of Metal Electrode Layer on Si3N4
2019年3月1日 · Electroless deposition requires preliminary surface treatment to effectively adsorb a metal electrode layer onto a ceramic substrate. Herein, a simple surface treatment using an all-wet process was performed to achieve adhesion stability between a Si 3 N 4 substrate and Ni film.
Mechanical and thermal properties of Si - ScienceDirect
2023年12月15日 · Based on these advantages, Si3 N 4 features broad application prospects in manufacturing high-temperature gas/liquid filters, wave-transmitting materials (e.g. missile radomes and windows), crucibles, combustors, aluminum electrolytic cell linings, catalyst carriers, thermocouple wells for temperature measurement, engineering components, ceramic...