松下S5外录Braw前后画面对比 - 哔哩哔哩
New Magic firmware means six Lumix cameras can now shoot BRAW
The number of Lumix cameras that can record in Blackmagic’s BRAW format will increase to six this November as new firmware brings the capability to two additional cameras. Already users …
Panasonic LUMIX S1 and S5 – External BRAW Recording with
2021年6月28日 · Panasonic will release new firmware updates for the LUMIX S1 (v2.1), LUMIX S5 (v2.3), and LUMIX S1R (v1.9) on July 12, 2021. The S1 and S5 will get compatibility with …
BRAW on the LUMIX S5 iiX is AMAZING! | Workflow & comparisons
2024年1月22日 · I wanted to find out just how good the BRAW on the LUMIX S5 iix is compared to internal recordings, pro res and even the BRAW on the original S5 mark 1. We'll look at …
LUMIX S5でのBlackmagic RAW(.braw)収録についてとBMPCC …
2021年8月16日 · lumix s5でしばらくbrawを使ってきました。 まだまだミラーレスカメラでVideo Assist を使ってBlackmagicRAW(.braw)撮った作例もほぼ無いですし、また.braw撮 …
Lumix s5 braw BMD Assist vs Ninja V Prores Raw
2021年8月24日 · I’m going to test a BRAW s5 download sample to see if it works well in premiere which is my primary NLE. Here is the YouTube video I’m referring to. It’s also very helpful for …
松下S1/S5/S1R/S1H固件开放下载 外录B RAW和智能跟随来了
S1/S5增加外录B RAW视频功能: 配合Blackmagic Video Assist 12G HDR,LUMIX S1和S5将支持通过HDMI输出RAW视频数据,最高可录制【5.9K】 / 【4K】 / 【变形宽荧幕 (4:3) 3.5K】 …
s5 ii(x) braw? : r/Lumix - Reddit
2023年3月31日 · Will they get braw support? The S5ii and S5iix currently only are expected to support ProRes RAW. Panasonic indicated that they are looking into BRAW support as well, …
松下S1、S5固件又升级!新增5.9K 12bit BRAW外录 - 知乎
1、配合Blackmagic Video Assist 12G HDR,LUMIX S1和S5将支持通过HDMI输出RAW视频数据,最高可录制【5.9K】 / 【4K】 / 【变形宽荧幕 (4:3) 3.5K】 12-bit RAW数据; *视情况而 …
松下S5-braw录制画面体验 - 哔哩哔哩
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