S700MC / 1.8974 - SteelNumber - Chemical composition ...
Delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolled steels. Equivalent grades of steel S700MC (1.8974) Warning! Only for reference.
Docol® S700MC - SSAB
The high-strength structural steel Docol S700MC is a hot-rolled steel made for cold forming, with a minimum yield strength of 700 MPa for stronger and lighter structures. Docol S700MC meets …
S700MC High Yield Steel – Properties and Applications
Aug 13, 2010 · S700MC – a high yield structural steel supplied under the EN10149: Part2 specification. Due to the materials high yield (700MPa min.) it can be used in a variety of load …
S700MC Steel - S70MC High Strength Structural Steel | Steel ...
Steel Warehouse supplies S700MC structural steel that combines high strength and excellent formability and is used in heavy equipment. Request a quote today!
S700MC | 1.8974 - jetzt informieren - Materials Processing Europe
Dank seinem feinkörnigen Gefüge und dem hohen Reinheitsgrad eignet sich die Güte S700MC gut zum Kaltbiegen, Abkanten und Kaltflanschen ohne Rissbildung. Jetzt informieren.
Strenx 700 MC - Structural steel with excellent cold ... - SSAB
Strenx® 700MC D/E is a hot-rolled structural steel made for cold forming, with a minimum yield strength of 700 MPa for stronger and lighter structures. Strenx® 700MC D/E meets or exceeds …
Strenx® 700 high-strength structural steel - SSAB
Strenx ® 700MC meets or exceeds the EN 10149-2 standard for S700MC steels. Crane design often involves a compromise between weight and durability. Strenx ® 700MC Plus made it …