Sa 23 - Wikipedia
The CZ Model 23/25 (properly, Sa 23/25 or Sa vz. 48b / samopal vz. 48b – samopal vzor 48 výsadkový, "submachine gun model year 1948 para") was a series of Czechoslovak designed submachine guns introduced in 1948. There were four generally very similar submachine guns in this series: the Sa 23, Sa 24, Sa 25, and Sa 26.
Sa 23 submachine gun series - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Sa 23 (Czech: Samopal 23) series of submachine guns was first conceived just after World War II, when Czech arms designer Vaclav Holek developed a submachine gun patterned after the various conventional blowback designs of the time (the MP 40, Sten, etc.), but with some innovative updates.
Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 23 / 24 / 25/ 26 (Samopal) Submachine Gun …
2018年9月26日 · The Sa vz. 23 quickly established itself as the standard-issue SMG for the Czech Army during 1951-1952. The Sa vz. 24 (vz. 48a./52) followed in retaining the wooden stock but was chambered for the 7.62x25mm Tokarev cartridge instead.
CZ 25冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
CZ 23(Sa.23、vz.48a):第一種衍生型,使用固定的木製槍托,發射9×19毫米(又名為9毫米帕拉貝倫)手枪 子弹。 裝有垂直型 手槍握把 ,兼具從握把底部插入 彈匣 的用途。
Sa vz. 23 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Sa vz. 23 (Samopal vzor 23) was a Czech submachine gun that was produced by Česká Zbrojovka. Work on the vz. 23 began in 1947 as part of a large-scale project at the CZ factory to design a new submachine gun to meet the requirements of the Czech Army.
Sa 23 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Sa 23 series were submachine guns with a telescoping bolt, in which the forward part of the moving bolt extends forwards past the back end of the barrel, wrapping around that barrel. This feature reduces the required length of the submachine gun significantly and allows for better balance and handling.
Sa. 23 - Modern Firearms
All Sa 23 series submachine guns are blowback operated, select-fire weapons which fire from open bolt. The trigger works as a fire selector – short trigger pull produces single shots, while long pull produces burst fire.
Sa 23 - Wikiwand
The CZ Model 23/25 (properly, Sa 23/25 or Sa vz. 48b / samopal vz. 48b – samopal vzor 48 výsadkový, "submachine gun model year 1948 para") was a series of Czechoslovak designed submachine guns introduced in 1948. There were four generally very similar submachine guns in this series: the Sa 23, Sa 24, Sa 25, and Sa 26.
Sa.23 - Submachine gun - globalmilitary.net
The Sa.23 is a Czech Submachine gun produced by CZ Uhersky Brod.
Samopaly vzor 23, 25, 24 a 26, přezdívané „pumpička“. Zbraně ...
Samopaly vz. 23 a 25, a následně Sa 24 a Sa 26, představují významný milník v historii československé vojenské výzbroje. Tyto zbraně byly používány nejen československou armádou, ale našly své místo i v arzenálech jiných zemí Varšavské …