2K11 Krug - Wikipedia
The original 9M8 (former designation 3M8) (SA-4A) was first introduced into service in 1965 and followed by the upgraded 9M8M (2K11A "Krug-A") in 1967 before the 9M8M1 in 1971 and the …
萨姆-4防空导弹 - 百度百科
萨姆-4防空导弹(英文:SA-4 [1],绰号:Ganef,译文:加涅夫,绰号圆圈 Krug/Круг,译文:“圆形”),是苏联研制的一型机动防空导弹。 苏军 称其为“中程 防空导弹 系统”(3PK-II),是苏 …
SA-4导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SA-4装备陆军方面军与集团军的防空导弹旅,每旅辖3个导弹发射营,每个发射营辖8门ZSU-23-4 23毫米高炮,1部预警雷达,3个导弹发射连。 SA-4以发射连為最小火力單位,配有制导雷達 …
SA-4 Ganef 2K11 Krug - Army Recognition
2024年10月19日 · The 2K11 Krug (NATO code SA-4 Ganef) is a Soviet-made medium-range air defense missile. The development of the system started in 1958. The first version, Krug-A, …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2K11 Krug (NATO code SA-4 Ganef) is a Soviet-made medium-range air defense missile. The development of the system started in 1958. The first version, Krug-A, entered service in …
Surface To Air Missile: SA-4 (2K11 Krug) - Falcon Lounge
2017年5月7日 · How to Defeat a SA -4. The SA – 4 fires a missile that travels at Mach 4 or more commonly referred to “MACH JESUS!”. But in practice the art or avoiding an SA – 4 launch is …
2023年7月15日 · 萨姆-3和萨姆-4是彼时苏军防空体系的支柱,萨姆-3负责拦截中低空高速目标,而萨姆-4主要拦截中高空目标。 导弹为两级结构,每级安装有运输中可拆卸的十字翼,鳍翼为固 …
SA-4 Ganef (2K11 Круг) Soviet SAM System - YouTube
2012年4月5日 · Soviet long-range, medium-to-high altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. "2K11" is its GRAU designation, while SA-4 Ganef is its NATO reporting name....
Krug (SA-4) was the first Soviet SAM system with independent target (AVS-I) and missile (AVS-II) tracking radars. Because of this new antenna design it could guide the missile against the …
2K11 Krug | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 2K11 Krug (Russian: 2К11 «Круг»; English: circle) is a Soviet and now Russian long-range, medium-to-high altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. "2K11" is its GRAU designation, …