Form SA302 - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2019年12月5日 · Your problem is that an SA302 is a Self Assessment calculation and you cannot possibly get one if you haven't filed a Self Assessment return for the tax year in question. 0 itwasntme001 Posts: 1,219 Forumite
SA302 form - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2013年8月1日 · My accountant has submitted my tax return for 2012-13 , but I need to get SA302 forms for both 2012-13 & 2011-12 ( for mortgage application purposes )
LTD company- SA302 required? - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2013年3月3日 · I have all previous HMRC tax calculations but was not required to submit self assessment therefore I cannot obtain 'SA302' docs. The forms are essentially the same but in a different format. I have spoke to mortgage broker who …
Does SA302 exist any more? — MoneySavingExpert Forum
2019年2月25日 · Looking to re-mortgage, but the financial advisor needs my wife's SA302 forms for thje last three years. If we go into her HMRC account online, any reference to SA302 takes her to 'tax overview' documents, which the advisor says he CANNOT accept. If you google SA302, it suggests HMRC stopped doing them in September 2017.
SA302 form from HMRC - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2014年7月17日 · Hi everyone, We need to get hold of my partner's SA302 tax self assessment form as part of our mortgage application with Halifax.
Printed SA302 form - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2015年10月26日 · Printed SA302 form. Legacy_user Posts: 0 Newbie. 26 October 2015 at 8:48AM in Mortgages & endowments.
Changing SA302 form - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2017年8月22日 · Changing SA302 form. Indie32 Posts: 26 Forumite. 22 August 2017 at 2:36PM in Mortgages & endowments.
How to obtain SA302s if the accountant use own commercial …
2020年11月23日 · I dont get too involved in that side of things as its more for the accountant but my understanding is the SA100 is the form submitted to HMRC and the SA302 (or tax calc/overview) is what you get in return.
Form SA302 ... - MoneySavingExpert Forum
2014年3月28日 · My partner needs form SA302 for a mortgage application. She should be able to obtain a SA302 for 12/13 and it will have, assuming she was employed previously, her employed and self-employed earnings for the tax year until 5 April 2013.
Obtaining a mortgage in principle without an sa302?
2018年6月14日 · You do need it for the full application - although the broker may be reluctant to obtain a DIP without an SA302 for compliance reasons. I would probably take a view on it, if the accountant is happy to confirm in an email the income figures maybe - but I would take it on a case by case basis. That being said - 3 weeks to get an SA302 seems wrong.