37 mm SA M1938 L/33 - WWII Tanks
Details of the World War 2 - France 37 mm SA M1938 L/33 including a full gun details database showing manufacturing year and other characteristics together with shell details and penetration figures.
French tank guns in World War II - WWII Forums
2005年4月22日 · On the French side the HE shells had 30g (37mm SA18), 60g (37mm SA38) and 142g (47mm SA34 and SA35) explosive content. Based on penetration values from Jentz (German tests) and calculated, the penetration values at a perfect 0° impact angle and at a range of 100m are about
【装甲乳法!二战德国缴获法国坦克大盘点】 - 哔哩哔哩
一些坦克已经安装了新的37mm长SA38坦克炮。 德国国防军缴获的R 40坦克也包括在R35的统计数据中。 尽管法国人为R40坦克装备37mm长的SA38坦克炮,但大部分使用的还是短管炮
WW II Ballistics Tank Gun Penetration - France - Panzer War
Most firing tables must use the ballistics to compute penetration at ranges. Since none of this exists I will use the ballistics of similar shell of other known guns. Together with known data like weight and muzzle velocity I use the NaaB2 program …
Renault R-35, R-39 and R-40 - Axis History Forum
2004年7月3日 · This vehicle mounted the long barreled 37mm SA38 L/33 gun in the APX-R1 turret and had an AMX crossing tail. A little bit less than 120 tanks had been built from 10th May on only and put into service with the serial number 51541 to 51658.
37 mm caliber - Wikipedia
37 mm gun or 3.7 cm gun can refer to several weapons or weapons systems. The "37 mm" refers to the inside diameter of the barrel of the gun, and therefore the diameter of the projectile it fires. However, the overall size and power of the gun itself can vary greatly between different weapons, in spite of them all being called "37 mm" guns.
AMX38 坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
这辆注册号码为W 0231的车辆装备一门37mm SA38火炮,以及一挺7.5mm MAC 1931式机枪。 和其他法国轻坦一样,AMX38也有一个 “尾巴”,装在车体的后面,可以帮助坦克翻过步兵战壕。
为什么各国的反坦克炮发展史上都有37mm火炮? - 知乎
法国的哈奇开斯公司也成功开发了转管式加农炮,哈奇开斯炮采用的是37毫米口径,这个口径既不是英制的整数倍,在公制中也不是5和10的整数倍。 它的确还有一段来历,原来在1868年12月,列强在俄罗斯圣彼得堡签订了协定,规定禁止使用重量小于400克的爆炸弹丸,这也是最早的限制过度杀伤性常规武器的协定之一。 通过人们当时的计算发现,只有37毫米以上口径发射的弹丸重量才可能超过400克,因此这个口径成为一道分水岭,之后经常被使用。 搜罗环球趣闻,解密奇闻 …
SA38 L/33 (37 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 37 mm SA38 L/33 is a French tank cannon. Vehicles equipped with this weapon. H.39; H.39 "Cambronne" R.35 (SA38) General info. It is a variant of the SA18 L/21 cannon. It has overall improvements in the penetration and shell types from its predecessor. It does however sacrifice the reload speed, but is overall a worthy sacrifice. Available ...
Renault R40 - World War Photos
French light infantry tank Renault R 40 (Char léger modèle 1935 R modifié 1939) was version of the R 35 with new suspension that gave more ground clearance and better cross-country performance. Tank had other improvements like long SA38 …