FlySAA South African Airways
FlySAA.com is the official website of South African Airways, Africa's leading airline. Book flights, manage reservations, check-in online, and explore our destinations. Experience comfort, convenience, and award-winning service.
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3块5一支,AI把钟薛高的价格打下来了 - 36氪
3月29日,钟薛高在上海举办新品发布会,发布了售价3.5元的雪糕新品——Sa'Saa。 Sa'Saa号称是行业内首款与AI技术协同研发的冰品。 “这是一款由AI打造的雪糕,名字、包装、口味、图片等都是由AI设计、建议或自动生成。 ” 钟薛高创始人林盛称。 据透露,Sa'Saa的设计开发使用了包括ChatGPT、文心一言在内的多款AI产品。...
South African Airways - Wikipedia
South African Airways (SAA) is the flag carrier of South Africa. [3] Founded in 1929 as Union Airways it later rebranded to South African Airways in 1934, the airline is headquartered in Airways Park at O. R. Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg and operates a hub-and-spoke network, serving 13 destinations in Africa and two ...
钟薛高推出售价 3.5 元雪糕 Sa’Saa,雪糕名字、包装、口味均由 AI …
3月29日,钟薛高宣布推出3.5元一支的雪糕新产品“Sa‘saa”,以及定价在15-18元之间的新款甜品“旦生”。 据品牌创始人林盛介绍,“Sa'Saa”系列有红豆冰、绿豆冰、牛奶冰、可可冰四种口味,是冰品行业首款从起名到口味,再到设计,基本由AI参与甚至主导的产品。 此前不久,钟薛高曾与百度文心一言官宣合作,据透露,此次“Sa'Saa”的设计开发使用了包括ChatGPT、文心一言在内的多款主流AI产品。 其实,钟薛高对于推出平价产品早有准备。 早在今年一月,天眼查App显 …
South African Airways (SA/SAA) routes and destinations | Flightradar24
South African Airways (SA/SAA) - View the latest South African Airways routes, schedules and destinations. The world’s most popular flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get up-to-date flight status & airport information.
钟薛高推出低价雪糕品牌Sa‘saa,由AI设计! 钟薛高新品牌名称为“Sa‘saa”,LOGO由大小写字母组合,采用了 粗笔画的衬线字体设计 。 外包装整体采用了温和的配色,呈小清新风格。
钟薛高推出由 AI 打造的雪糕 Sa'Saa:名字、包装、口味均由 AI 设 …
3 月 29 日,在钟薛高新品发布会上,创始人林盛介绍,钟薛高推出一款由 AI 打造的雪糕 Sa’Saa,雪糕名字是 AI 起的,包装是 AI 设计的,口味是 AI 建议的。据介绍,该款雪糕定价 3.5 元
Check-in - South African Airways
You can check-in on your computer, tablet or smartphone via flysaa.com or the South African Airways APP. Flights open for online check-in 24 hours before departure time. If you haven’t already selected a seat, or you want to change the one you have, it’s smart to log in as soon as possible to request your chosen seat where applicable.