SAE 10 Oil | McMaster-Carr
Designed to be used with equipment that will be used outdoors, this hydraulic oil handles low temperatures and rapid temperature swings. Wear-resistant properties keep hydraulic pumps and equipment working, even in high-pressure systems. Viscosity is the thickness of an oil. The higher the grade, the thicker the oil, and the less it flows. gal.
机油标号 - 百度百科
10w-40就是它的sae标准粘度值,这个粘度值首先表示这个机油是复级润滑油(民用领域已经基本没有单级润滑油了),w代表winter冬天,w前面的数字是代表 倾点 温度,简单来说就是 结冰点 温度。10w的机油对应的结冰点温度是-25℃,其它常见的0w是-35℃,5w是-30℃,15w ...
Mobil Hydraulic 10W
Mobil Hydraulic 10W is a high performance hydraulic oil formulated from advanced base oils and a balanced additive system designed to satisfy a wide range of heavy-duty hydraulic equipment requirements.
Pure Guard Non-Detergent Motor Oil 10W 1 Quart - ND10-QT
Non-Detergent oil is a pure mineral-based lubricant with no detergent or oxidation inhibitor additives. Blended with premium blend stocks to provide lubrication and to help prevent rust and wear. Non-Detergent oil is recommended for use as a general purpose lubricant. Suitable for compressors and hydraulic systems which require non-detergent oil.
Motor Oils - Dynamic Viscosities - The Engineering ToolBox
Viscosity of lube oil is determined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Lube oils can be multigrade or monograde where multigrade oils fulfills two viscosity specifications. Example SAE 10W-40 where 10W refers to low-temperature - or winter - viscosity and 40 refers to the high-temperature - or summer - viscosity.
SAE黏稠度 - 百度百科
我国光滑油粘度等级分类是使用国际自动机工程师学会 SAE 分类规范,共分为 0W、5W、10W、15W、20W、25W、20、30、40、50、60号十一个级别。 在我国夏天的季节通常运用粘度为 40号的发动机油。 北方多数中央运用50号的发动机油。 我国夏季北方通常运用粘度为30号的发动机油。 南方冬季则需运用5W、10W的油,极多数严寒辖区还需0W油。 此外,还有冬夏通用,南北通用,并且具有节能效果的多级油 ( XW/XX )。 “W”代表 (冬天),W前的数字 (0、5、10、15 …
SAE Viscosity Grades – viscosity table and viscosity chart
The viscosity grade of a lube oil is determined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Oils can be separated into multigrade oils and monograde oils. Multigrade oils must fulfill two viscosity specifications, their viscosity grade consists of two numbers, e.g. 10W-40: 10W refers to the low-temperature viscosity ("Winter"), 40 refers to ...
General Purpose Oil SAE 10 通用機油 - 其東油品股份有限公司
General Purpose Oil SAE 10 – 是經過高度精煉的礦物油,氧化穩定性極高。 對於結膠及污物具有良好的溶解及沖洗力,亦廣用於換油時清洗引擎潤滑系統使用。
润滑油SAE 10--30怎样理解? - 百度知道
润滑油SAE 10--30怎样理解?润滑油的黏度多使用SAE等级别标识,SAE是英文“美国汽车工程师协会”的缩写。 例如:SAE15W-40、SAE5W-40,“W”表示winter (冬季),其前面的数字越小说明机油的低温流动性越好,代表可供使.
Shop SAE 10 Weight Oils - Transmission and Hydraulic Systems
The SAE 10 Oil category represents lubricants that have a viscosity grade of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) 10. This grading system tells you the thickness of the oil and how it is affected by temperature.