SAE J1708 - Wikipedia
Society of Automotive Engineers standard SAE J1708 is a standard used for serial communications between ECUs on a heavy duty vehicle and also between a computer and the vehicle. With respect to Open System Interconnection model …
SAE J1708 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
J1708 是由 國際汽車工程學會 發布並維護的 串列通訊 標準,主要用於重型汽車電子系統中的 電子控制器 (ECU)之間的資料傳輸,標準採用RS485之通訊方式,但用不同的輸出電路以達到全雙工之目的;與開放式系統互聯模型(OSI模型)相比,J1708定義了 實體層,常見運行在J1708標準上的協定為SAE J1587 和 SAE J1922。 J1708使用與RS-485相同的收發器,然而J1708的串列輸出連接收發器之傳輸始能 (DE),而非傳輸輸入 (DI),因此需要在使能之前加上 反相器。 匯流排 …
SAE J1708 协议介绍 | 应用于重型车辆中微控制器之间的数据交换
j1708 是专门针对重型车辆(卡车和客车)开发的一种 sae 规范,标准规范以更经济的方式在设备之间进行数据传送。 J1708 总线协议用于重型车辆中微控制器之间的数据交换,既描述诸如应该如何解释总线上的电压电平的物理特性,也描述报文的组成。
【通信协议】三、SAE J1708/J1587 协议详解 - CSDN博客
SAE J1708和SAE J1587都是由美国机动车工程师协会(Society of Automotive Engineers)为重型机动车(卡车,客车,轮船等)制定的通信标准。 其中SAE J1708协议在 OSI (Open System Interconnection)七层 模型 中是位于物理链路层上的规范,而SAE J1587协议是位于应用层上的规范.下面针对这两个协议应用进行介绍。 1,物理层属性. 电平特性 :J1708总线由两路线缆(A和B)组成,双绞线长度最大40米。 总线上的电压水平由线路“A”和“B”之间的电势差确定。 收发 …
J1708_201609: Serial Data Communications Between ... - SAE International
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a recommended practice for implementing a bidirectional, serial communication link among modules containing microcomputers. This document defines those parameters of the serial link that relate primarily to hardware and basic software compatibility such as inter
SAE J1708 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
j1708是由国际汽车工程学会发布并维护的串列通讯标准,主要用于重型汽车电子系统中的电子控制器(ecu)之间的资料传输,标准采用rs485之通讯方式,但用不同的输出电路以达到全双工之目的;与开放式系统互联模型(osi模型)相比,j1708定义了实体层,常见 ...
A Brief Introduction to SAE J1708 and J1587 - Copperhill Tech
SAE J1708 is a standard used for serial communications between ECUs on a heavy duty vehicle and also between a computer and the vehicle. With respect to Open System Interconnection model (OSI), J1708 defines the physical layer. Common higher layer protocols that operate on top of J1708 are SAE J1587 and SAE J1922.
理解SAE J1708协议:汽车诊断通信标准-CSDN博客
2020年8月31日 · 1708是SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers:美国机动车工程师学会)专门针对重型车辆(卡车和客车)起草文件中J标准规范之一,该协议旨在推广微控制器模块之间的通信标准规范。 SAE J1708协议仅详细描述了OSI(Open System Interconnection:开放式系统互联)七层模型中的物理层和数据链路层。 所以在进行通信时,常常需要与描述应用层的SAE J1587协议一起使用。 (1) 诊断引脚: H引脚 = 12 L 引脚 = 13. (2) 通信波特率: 9600bps. …
SAE J1708协议深度解析与车辆诊断指南 - CSDN文库
SAE J1708协议是一项由美国汽车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers,简称SAE)制定的车辆通讯标准协议,主要用于车辆诊断系统中。SAE J1708协议详细规定了车辆与诊断设备之间的数据交换格式,确保了不同厂商生产的设备能够通过标准化的接口进行通信。
SAE J1708 - 求闻百科,共笔求闻 - qiuwenbaike.cn
J1708 是由 国际汽车工程学会 发布并维护的 串列通讯 标准,主要用于重型汽车电子系统中的 电子控制器 (ECU)之间的资料传输,标准采用RS485之通讯方式,但用不同的输出电路以达到全双工之目的;与开放式系统互联模型(OSI模型)相比,J1708定义了 实体层,常见运行在J1708标准上的协定为SAE J1587 和 SAE J1922。 J1708使用与RS-485相同的收发器,然而J1708的串列输出连接收发器之传输始能 (DE),而非传输输入 (DI),因此需要在使能之前加上 反相器。 汇流排 …
SAE J1708 requires all receivers to listen to every message identification character transmitted to determine if contention exists. Unlike the driver, the receiver's enable (RE*) is always tied LOW (see
J1708_201609 Serial Data Communications Between ... - SAE …
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a recommended practice for implementing a bidirectional, serial communication link among modules containing microcomputers. This document defines those parameters of the serial link that relate primarily to hardware and basic software compatibility such as interface requirements, system protocol, and ...
J1708_200408: Serial Data Communications Between ... - SAE International
2004年8月25日 · This SAE Recommended Practice defines a recommended practice for implementing a bidirectional, serial communication link among modules containing microcomputers. This document defines those parameters of the serial link that relate primarily to hardware and basic software compatibility such as interface requirements, system protocol, and ...
SAE J1708-2016 重型车辆用微型计算机系统间的串行数据通信 标 …
2 天之前 · sae j1708-2016的标准全文信息,本文档定义了在包含微型计算机的模块之间实现双向串行通信链路的推荐实践。 本文档定义了主要与硬件和基本软件兼容性相关的串行链路参数,例如接口要求@系统协议@和消息格式。
Introduction to SAE J1708 - Kvaser
J1708 is an SAE specification developed especially for heavy duty vehicles (trucks and busses). The intention is that the protocol will promote a standard for serial communication between modules with microcontrollers. The standard means that data can be transferred between devices in a more cost-effective way. Further advantages are:
SAE J1708协议 - 程序员大本营
SAE J1708协议 1.协议简介 1708是SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers:美国机动车工程师学会)专门针对重型车辆(卡车和客车)起草文件中J标准规范之一,该协议旨在推广微控制器模块之间的通信标准规范。
Truck SAE Codes Such as J1939, J1708, SPN, FMI, & MID Explained
J1708 – THE FIRST STANDARD. In the early to mid-1990s is when we first saw the standard 6-pin plug placed in commercial trucks. This would be used for the next 10-15 years, and we now saw computerized diagnostic tools enter the market.
SAE J1708 Protocol - PiEmbSysTech
The SAE J1708 protocol bus is a very simple, robust, low-speed, multi-master serial type data bus Protocol used in heavy trucking vehicles. If the MID value is more than 127, then it will come under the J1587 standard.
SAE International - J1708_201609 - Serial Data Communications …
2016年9月13日 · This SAE Recommended Practice provides a development or possibly interim production communication protocol between engine, transmission, ABS/traction control, and retarder systems until higher speed...
J1708_201012: Serial Data Communications Between ... - SAE International
2004年8月25日 · This SAE Recommended Practice defines a recommended practice for implementing a bidirectional, serial communication link among modules containing microcomputers. This document defines those parameters of the serial link that relate primarily to hardware and basic software compatibility such as inter