DSpace-Labs/SAFBuilder - GitHub
A tool that turns content files and a metadata spreadsheet into a Simple Archive Format package, which easily allows for batch import to DSpace, an Institutional Repository. See also: Wiki …
GitHub - bahaatalib/SAFBuilder
A tool that turns content files and a metadata spreadsheet into a Simple Archive Format package, which easily allows for batch import to DSpace, an Institutional Repository. See also: Wiki …
GitHub - jcreel/SAFCreator
SAF Creator is a desktop application written in Java. Its purpose is to prepare Simple Archive Format (SAF) archives for importation into DSpace repositories.
2023年7月21日 · With DSpace SAF Builder, users can create a SAF package of their DSpace content, including metadata, bitstreams (i.e., the actual digital files), and any associated …
(PDF) Batch Bitstreams and Metadata import using ... - ResearchGate
2025年3月19日 · With DSpace SAF Builder, users can create a SAF package of their DSpace content, including metadata, bitstreams (i.e., the actual digital files), and any associated
SAF Creator - MX Simulator
2008年10月24日 · To use the SAF Creator: 1. Put all the files you want in the saf in a folder. If you are saf'ing a track this step is done. 2. Click browse in the Choose Folder section and find your …
Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format (SAF)
2024年9月16日 · The basic concept behind the DSpace's Simple Archive Format (SAF) is to create an archive, which is a directory containing one subdirectory per item. Each item …
DSpace 7: Batch Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive …
2024年1月6日 · SAF is a standardized packaging format used to package digital items for import or export within DSpace. It organizes metadata, bitstreams, and associated content into a …
Batch Bitstreams and Metadata import using SAFBuilder in …
Simple Archive Format (SAF) is a utility that converts Bitstream/Content files plus a metadata.csv file into a Simple Archive Format package, making bulk uploads to the DSpace repository simple.
Convert Spreadsheet (Excel or Calc) Data Into DSpace Simple …
2023年8月18日 · The recommended way to use the batch process is to convert the spreadsheet records into Simple Archive Format (SAF). DSpace documentation points to two applications: …