Magazines Issue with SAM7 - AK Rifles
2016年7月18日 · OK so I have an Arsenal SAM7 which is a recent purchase and a RAS47. The RAS47 takes all magazines with no issue. The Arsenal is picky. Doesn't like Tapco barely snaps in and hates US Palm won't fully insert. PMAG's work fine as do steel mags, no issue. Anyone else with a SAM7 and mag issues?
for all you Arsenal owners or other AK owners with paint finish
2016年4月26日 · I finally picked up my new SAM7 Thursday. Thank you Centerfire Guns for great service. Ordered it Monday morning, it was shipped Monday afternoon and delivered to the FFL dealer Wednesday morning. That's fast! As far as my first impressions, the …
Vepr or Arsenal SAM7? | AK Rifles
2018年9月16日 · Looking to add another AK to the herd and looking for suggestion as to which one is better to get; Vepr in 7.62 side folder or Arsenal SAM7 Milled side folder. Any advise is appreciated.
Sam 7 sf - AK Rifles
2018年5月16日 · Many people with a whole lot more knowledge about AK's consider it probably the best factory produced AK on the market today. They aren't perfect and you can have problems, as with any firearm regardless of price, but you definitely hear less complaints about Arsenal AKs in general and especially the SAM7.
Arsenal sam 7 | AK Rifles
2024年10月22日 · Just got my first ak-47, Arsenal sam 7 . Wanting to get some spare parts. What parts should i get,and are ak-47 parts compatible from one manufacturer to another? Are most parts good quality, or are there some brands to avoid? Thanks for any help.
Bulgarian Milled Imports (Resource Guide) - AK Rifles
2011年12月18日 · Shortly after the re-release of the SLR-101-S, Arsenal Inc released the SAM7 series of rifles, which were virtually identical to the SLR-101-S, and initially sold for about $1299. Apparently, the series number was changed to increase sales, as some anti-gun states had banned the SLR-101 series by name.
Saiga Russian made ak47 or Arsenal Sam7 - AK Rifles
2020年12月31日 · I'm looking to buy a top of the line ak47 from my research both of the ak's above are very well made and reliable as ak47's come. Some of the saiga russian made ak's I find online are a lot older then the newer arsenal's I'm no ak expert is that a thing to think about before buying as which ak will last longer.
Arsenal SAM7SF Review - AK Rifles
2014年2月20日 · Arsenal SAM7SF Experiences INITIAL IMPRESSIONS/FIRST LOOK AND FEEL UPON UNBOXING Feb. 20, 2014 I picked up my Arsenal SAM7SF today from my FFL and have been playing around with it. Here are my first impressions. The build quality is truly superb, head and shoulders above the recent...
Need help: Wood furniture for Arsenal SAM7 | AK Rifles
2021年2月21日 · APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories. We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! We set ourselves apart by supplying unique parts at a good value and standing by our products...
Arsenal SAM7SF feeding issues - AK Rifles
2023年7月30日 · Sometimes these are installed to lessen felt recoil but can short cycle the firearm action and cause a failure to feed. I recommend that you remove any such non-original AK stuff and see how she feeds. This has got to be something simple as the Arsenal SAM7's are known to be really smooth and reliable AKs.