Understanding the Supplier 360° Profile - SAP Learning
The supplier 360° profile shows all of the information your company has about a supplier. If you’re a category or supplier manager, you also manage the supplier in their 360° profile. You view a supplier's 360° profile by clicking the supplier's name on the Supplier Management dashboard or in search results.
SAP Customer 360
2022年8月10日 · Customer 360 provides a trusted, single view that can include information about purchase history, billing, service issues, social presence, and channel preferences. Businesses can use this data to inform engagement strategies, customer journey steps, communications, personalized offers, and deliveries.
客户360,到底应该在什么系统里实现? - SAP
了解 SAP Customer Experience 解决方案的实际应用,了解智能客户体验的价值,将后端系统与前端体验互联,帮助你深入了解每一位客户,提高敏捷性,并在整个客户之旅中开展极具相关性的互动。
Customer 360 - Overview - SAP Community
2022年6月6日 · This blog series discusses the concept of "Customer 360" and the benefits customers can get out of it. It lists common implementation challenges and gives some ideas on how to solve those. The main part highlights the Customer 360 views and capabilities within SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C).
SAP促进客户体验新变革-sap用户体验 - 51CTO
2012年11月15日 · SAP日前宣布推出全新的 SAP 360 客户解决方案(以下简称“SAP 360 Customer”)。 该解决方案由 SAP HANA 平台提供支持,凝聚了内存计算、云计算、企业移动应用和协作等强大功能,帮助企业超越传统SAP客户关系管理(CRM),革新他们与客户之间的互动方式。
Viewing Supplier 360° Profiles - SAP Learning
After completing this lesson, you will be able to: The supplier 360° profile shows the information your organization has collected about a supplier. Depending on your role, you can also manage common supplier information, onboarding, and lifecycle activities for the supplier in …
客户数据管理你了解吗 | 客户360 | CDP | SAP 洞察
那么客户360里面到底包含了什么样的数据,企业是如何收集来的? 随着与客户持续的业务互动、多渠道的营销互动,通过不同业务场景下的各类应用(销售,服务,电商,营销等),企业可以收集到不同客户维度的信息,这些信息集成在一起就形成了客户360画像。
全新SAP 360 客户解决方案拉近企业与客户距离 - DOIT
2012 年 11 月 15日,北京讯 — SAP 公司日前宣布推出全新的 SAP® 360 客户解决方案(以下简称“SAP 360 Customer”)。 该解决方案由 SAP HANA® 平台提供支持,凝聚了内存计算、云计算、企业移动应用和协作等强大功能,帮助企
Introducing 360 Reviews - SAP Learning
360 Reviews help to identify employee blind spots and hidden strengths to guide development. They can also be used as a multi-rater assessment that can factor into an employee’s formal performance review. 360 Reviews can coincide with the performance review cycle or off-cycle as a completely separate process.
客户360,到底应该在什么系统里实现? SAP客户体验解决方案分享系列之“从不同业务场景看客户360 …
在服务应用场景,根据b2b和b2c应用场景不同,客户360可以是企业/公司的360,也可以是个人消费者的360,还可以是企业和联系人的 电商 – 电商通常是一个产品展示和交易的门户,客户可以访问网站,浏览产品和加入购物车,买单。