CDPOS/CDHDR - Creating Change OBject - SAP Community
I have created a ztable and i view it on an updateable ALV Grid Control(cc) on a se51 screen.I have been told to monitor all the changes done on the ALV (which ofcourse is saved in the …
CDHDR & CDPOS - SAP Community
Are there any SAP standard transactions which pull data back from CDHDR & CDPOS? I have been given the task of creating a report which shows all changes to material master & PIR …
Object Class for 'Credit Hold' in CDHDR | SAP Community
Hi, I am creating a Credit Hold Report (creating VKM1 history) and reading CDHDR table. I want to know what is the 'Object Class' for Credit Hold?
Extracting data from R/3 tables CDPOS & CDHDR to BI using FM.
Regards to extracting data from R/3 tables CDPOS & CDHDR to BI. I need your suggestions or approch regards to above requirement. We created Datasource using a FM to read data from …
Hi All, What is the structure of OBJECTID in CDHDR when OBJECTCLAS = 'CHARGE' ? Regds, Avijit
function module using CDHDR and CDPOS | SAP Community
Hi, I am writing the FM using CDHDR and CDPOS for the table VBPA. some how im not getting the data. if anybody has code can you share with me.
How to enhance Track mass change Business partner Changed …
2021年11月17日 · Could you please let me know how to enhance with changed data in track mass change Business partner fiori app for custom fields data from CDPOS and CDHDR table …
Classification view in MM02 -to maintain change …
Hi, Please provide me a solution for the following scenario. I was trying to change the characteristic description and value in classification view in MM02 for a given material number.
Procedure to update loging tables CDHDR and CDPOS | SAP …
log those changes into SAP logging tables (cdhdr and cdpos) . Even though I have activated the change document for the object. Using the data element maintenance: transaction SE11 , the …
all deleted order no's in VBAK not updating in tables …
The report is working fine and properly deleting from VBAK table and updating in CDHDR and CDPOS tables. when it went to the client for testing they have tested the program by taking a …