SAP CTO under investigation for alleged sexual harassment
2024年9月17日 · German prosecutors have confirmed to The Register that SAP's outgoing CTO is under investigation following allegations of sexual harassment. Earlier this month, the German HQ'd software giant announced Jürgen Müller would leave the company by mutual agreement on September 30 following an "incident" at a company event.
Ex-SAP CTO walks away with €7.1M payout after scandal
2025年3月3日 · SAP paid former CTO Jürgen Müller €7.1 million ($7.5 million) after he left the German software company by mutual agreement in September last year. Müller departed following an "incident" at a company event earlier in the year. At the time, SAP said its supervisory board had reached a "mutual agreement" with Müller for him to leave the ...
SAP CTO Said to Have Left After Allegedly Touching Woman’s Rear
2024年12月13日 · SAP SE’s former Chief Technology Officer Jürgen Müller, who abruptly left the company in September months after signing a contract extension, stepped down after being accused of touching the rear of a female colleague at an office party, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
因性骚扰!SAP CTO Müller 辞职:已被德国检方调查 - 网易
2024年9月14日 · 《彭博社》报道,德国检方对 SAP 公司首席技术官 Jürgen Müller 展开刑事调查,此前该公司表示,由于“不当”行为,Müller 将于本月底辞职。 海德堡检方发言人周五在一份通过电子邮件发布的声明中表示,检方已对这起性骚扰指控展开了正式调查。
Ex-SAP CTO Settles Probe Over Inappropriate Conduct Claims
2025年1月29日 · Former SAP SE executive Jürgen Müller settled a German criminal probe into harassment allegations following his September departure from Europe’s largest tech company over what he called ...
Juergen Mueller to Leave SAP Executive Board
2024年9月3日 · WALLDORF — SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) today announced that the SAP Supervisory Board has reached a mutual agreement with Chief Technology Officer and Executive Board Member Dr.-Ing. Juergen Mueller to leave the company’s Executive Board, effective September 30, 2024.
因“不当”行为:SAP CTO Mueller 辞职 - 网易
2024年9月3日 · 这家公司制定的战略是,帮助客户构建基于云的应用软件, 并跨 SAP 生态圈全面整合服务, BTP 正是其核心部分。 Mueller 在 2013 年加入 SAP 出任创新中心网络负责人 ,并 在 2019 年 被任命首席技术官 ,进入执行董事会 。
SAP CTO bows out over 'incident' at company shindig
2024年9月3日 · SAP CTO and executive board member Jürgen Müller is set to depart the German software corporation over an "incident" at a company event. In a statement published this morning, SAP said its supervisory board had reached a "mutual agreement" with Müller to leave the company's executive board at the end of September.
SAP 突发人事变动:CTO主动离职 - 墨天轮
2024年9月5日 · SAP 全球安全与云合规团队将加入客户服务与交付董事会,由 Thomas Saueressig 领导。 这是继Scott Russell和Julia White又一董事会成员离职。 因为个人原因离职,确实有些遗憾。
Führungswechsel bei SAP: Details zu Abgang von Ex-CTO Jürgen …
2024年12月13日 · Jürgen Müller, der ehemalige Chief Technology Officer von SAP, verließ das Unternehmen im September überraschend, nachdem er erst kürzlich seinen Vertrag verlängert hatte. Jetzt kommen Details ans Licht, dass Müllers Rücktritt im Zusammenhang mit einem Vorfall auf einer Büroparty steht, bei dem er beschuldigt wird, eine Kollegin ...
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