F.01 GL balance to be split based on Cost center | SAP Community
2014年12月27日 · I have a GL account for example FUEL Expense. I post the fuel expense for Management vehicles and transportation cars. Now Management vehicle fuel expense is after gross profit while Fuel expense for transportation service cars is before Gross profit. Now I want to split this one GL account value based on the cost centers in my Financial ...
GL Accounts - SAP Community
I copied all the GL accounts from an other company code, this worked just fine until I noticed that I needed more GL accounts. I deleted all the GL accounts on BETB with tx OBR2. When trying to copy the GL accounts from company code BE01 which contains all needed GL accounts it says "Copying is not possible due to existing entries in the target ...
GL account mapping - SAP Community
A material is used for onsite and 1 for offshore. The offshore line has a tax type determined. During invoice creation, 2 invoices are created using invoice split criteria in copy controls (Sales -> Billing). 2 invoices are created. The revenues post to different GL's as per Revenue Account Determination. The tax posts to a separate GL.
Posting keys and GL account | SAP Community
For example if GL account for sales determined is 1234 through account key. How does the system determines whether a credit value appears against the GL account 1234 (through posting key 50) and how the system determines the corresponding debit entry (posting key 40) to the customer account.
TAX Caculation for a GL Account | SAP Community
Dear SAP Members, Back again with a new issue 😊. The problem I am facing is that, client wants to calculate tax for a GL account. The scenario is as follows: Client at first used to treat sales commission to employee as a vendor payable. For that they had created a vendor account and used to pass entries and make payments through that.
PGI: GL account check - SAP Community
when i check the outbound delivery> document flow> GD goods issue document display.Its posting to incorrect GL account but when the accounting document is created its going to correct GL and intresting point to notice : All other PGI accounting documents are posting to correct GL but 3/4 documents which posted manually went to incorrect GL
2006年9月1日 · The BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST is allowing FI documents to be created with invalid vendor, customer, and material numbers. According to a response from an SAP message I filed, SAP says this BAPI checks all "important" data like account number and company code; but for vendor, customer, and material, it's the calling application's responsiblity to ...
Trasnfer of open items from one GL Account to another ... - SAP …
We want to transfer the Intercompany GL account balance from one GL account(old) to another intercompany account(New).Inpast we have posted few entries in old account and after that we changed out OBYA setting and configured differenct account there. Now want to tranfer all the open items from old gl account to new one. How can we proceed with ...
My client is a manufacturing company and it has 2000 gl accounts comprising of 1100 P&L A/cs comprising material, labour, admini etc., and the balance 900 are B&S A/cs. Of these 1100 P&L, 250 are revenue accounts and the remaining are expenditure accounts. 1.
Bank G/L Account currency different than House Bank currency
Hi SAP FI members, I have a scenario where the local currency of the company code is HKD and the House Bank currency in the FBZP(FI12) setup is USD. Meanwhile, the G/L account for the house bank is HKD.