SAP SD课程 1.6 如何创建计划协议 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在事务命令字段中输入 va31 以创建计划协议; 浏览“树” va31用于在sap菜单中创建计划协议的事务. 进入“计划协议:创建初始”屏幕后,您必须选择相关的“计划协议类型”。每种计划协议类型都有自己的功能,并根据sap系统后端的配置进行查看。 选择相关计划 ...
SAP最佳业务实践:SD–按计划协议的销售(231)-2计划协议-腾讯云开 …
2018年3月28日 · 一、流程概览表 流程步骤业务条件业务角色事务代码预期结果创建计划协议 物料可用销售助理VA31保存了计划协议,创建了交货计划交货到期清单可以装运的物料仓库文员VL10E打印交货到期清单,创建交货,创建仓库调拨订单可选:检查批次物料是批次控制仓库文员VL02N批次编号已分配给物料可选 ...
What's the difference between VA31 and ME31L - SAP Community
2018年8月13日 · Solved: Hello everyone, I am new to SAP and I can't see the difference between creating a scheduling agreement via SD and MM I would be thankful if someone explained the ... What's the difference between VA31 and ME31L ? cancel. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as ...
SD从零开始10 框架协议(Outline Agreement)—合同/计划协议_sap …
2015年5月24日 · 销售合同 (2016-06-16 14:33:52) 转载 标签: sap sd 分类: 【转】SAP相关 一、 合同有数量合同、价值合同、服务合同、主合同。数量合同CQ,行项目类别KMN:不传递需求;无计划行和指定的交货日期,不直接转到交货,而是先转到订单;合同有效期满或者采购完定 …
ABAP VA31创建销售计划协议_sap va31-CSDN博客
2021年9月9日 · 发现VA31和VA01使用相同程序SAPMV45A,所以也是使用相同底层bapi:SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE DATA: ls_header TYPE bapisdhd1, "表头 ls_headerx TYPE bapisdhd1x, "表头标志 ls_item TYPE bapisditm, "行项目 ls_itemx TYPE bapisditmx, ls_partner TYPE bapiparnr, lt_p_sap va31. ABAP VA31创建销售计划协议 ...
Difference between Va01 and Va31 - SAP Community
2008年2月27日 · Va31: will schedule agreements :A sales order Which is the terms and conditions the customer wants the product to be delivered. Say 10 days 20 items. 20 days 30 items. So Depending upon the requirement Scheduleing agreement types are config. Just go through the basic sites for the SD q/A. SAP img .com. edited by , SAP SD
scheduling agreements in sd - SAP Community
2007年8月20日 · Use the T.code VA31 (and choose Scheduleline agreement) : This agreement lets you to predetermine scheduling of different materials with in a given period of time (This is same like the other contracts). ... Standard SAP you should have two sets of tabs - of schedule lines. One Forecast & the other JIT. Forecast forwards the schedule lines to ...
How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof
VA31 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu. Once you have entered the Scheduling Agreement: Creation Initial screen, you have to select relevant Scheduling Agreement Type. Each Scheduling Agreement Type has its own functionality and viewing based on the configuration done at the backend of SAP system.
SAP VA31 TCode Create Scheduling Agreement (Sales Order …
SAP GUI Support for tcode VA31 When a tcode is created you can select which SAP GUI it has support for from HTML, Java and the main Windows GUI you are probably most familiar with. SAPGUI for HTML VA31 includes support for the HTML web based GUI. The SAP GUI for HTML generates HTML pages for each screen of the SAP transaction so that it can be ...
VA31 SAP tcode for – Create Scheduling Agreement - TestingBrain
SAP VA31 menu path. See the possible menu paths to access the same report by avoiding entering the transaction code. Path 1 Logistics → Materials Management → Foreign Trade/Customs → General Foreign Trade Processing → Environment → Sales – Export → Sales → Scheduling Agreement → Create.