Solved: The criteria for creating collective outbound deli... - SAP ...
2014年10月27日 · We will implement standard SAP function for creating collective outbound delivery. T-code VL10H. We run the program and choose background run , it's work. The sales orders have combined into 1 outbound delivery.
VL10H - collective delivery processing using backg... - SAP …
2012年11月9日 · if the delivery qty is different to confirmed qty, then I want to write an error into the VL10H error log and stop saving the delivery for that sales order line. if the schedule line qty is same as delivery qty (LIPS-LFIMG), then VL10h should save the delivery without error.
外向交货_参考销售订单 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
其中vl10c、vl10e、vl10h 和vl10i在搜索表中可直接修改交货数量。 创建外向交货单后,可用VL02N修改、VL03N查看。 外向交货单是可以删除的,可在VL02N修改状态下点击删除按钮进行删除。
外向交货_参考STO转储订单 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
其中VL10D、VL10F、VL10H 和VL10I在搜索表中可直接修改交货数量。 2. 参考凭证说明. 创建外向交货单参考的凭证是库存转储采购订单,跨工厂级和跨公司代码级的订单均可,如果采用系统示例配置,则交货单的信息如下: 转储订单是跨公司代码型(订单类型NB,参见《采购订单_跨公司STO库存转储》),交货单的类型则是“NLCC 跨公司补货”,项目类别是“NLC 公司间库存转移项目”。 3. 操作. 创建外向交货单参考的凭证是库存转储采购订单,跨工厂级和跨公司代码级的订 …
SAP Transaction Code VL10H - erplingo.com
Functionality: VL10H allows users to view the list of items that are due for delivery in a particular sales order. It displays the item number, quantity, delivery date, and other relevant information.
VL10H SAP TCode - Items Due for Delivery - SE80
One such TCode is VL10H, which provides access to Items Due for Delivery SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release level. In release 46A SAP Transaction Code(t-code) VL10 is replaced by VL10H
Solved: VL10 - SAP Community
2007年10月8日 · VL10A is the " Collective processing of Sales Orders" for creation of Outbound Delivery document. It will list all the Sales Orders agaisnt which delivery creation is pending, and has valid line items for delivery. VL04 on the other hand is a "Delivery Due List" Worklist to seggregate the SalesOrders/Purchase orders, as per selection criteria.
VL10H (Items Due for Delivery) TCode in SAP - TCodeSearch.com
Unable to create Outbound delivery through VL10H - SAP Q&A Relevancy Factor: 1.0
Analytics for SAP TCode VL10H
PurchOrd Schedule Lines due for Dlv. C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ."
SAP Transaction VL10H - Items Due for Delivery
The transaction VL10H (Items Due for Delivery) is a standard transaction in SAP ERP and is part of the package VL. It is a Parameter / Variant Transaction . Transactions in SAP ERP are used to execute functionality by calling programs, function modules, object methods or other transactions.