外向交货打印 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
vl71是为外向交货输出的专项事物码,除打印外,输出可用的模式如邮件、edi等均可使用。 能够执行让交货打印,需要有相应的前提条件: 交货单的交货类型或项目类别绑定一个输出确定过程,参见《 为交货分配输出确定过程(Output Determination Procedures) 》;
Solved: Difference Between VL70 and VL71 - SAP Community
2009年1月12日 · VL70 - is used for output for picking not for picking the qty in delivery. VL71 - Print Delivery Note. To do so, make sure output determination configuration is available for the deliveries in the IMG. Best Regards, Amit. Note: Tutorial-Purpose. Configuration required for the picking list /delivery note .
2020年10月9日 · SAP的输出不仅是打印,还包含邮件、传真、EDI等。输出也是SAP条件技术的应用,同样涉及条件表、存取顺序、条件类型(Output Types)、输出确定过程(Output Determination Procedure)的四级配置,以及向单据的分配确认。在交货后勤环...
VL71 query - SAP Community
2007年10月30日 · I created a sales order, created a delivery then went to transaction code VL71 to process the delivery. When I am done with VL71 i check in VL02N the SAP Community
VL71 SAP TCode - Output from Outbound Deliveries - SE80
One such TCode is VL71, which provides access to Output from Outbound Deliveries / Output from Deliveries SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release level. Below for your convenience is a few details about this tcode including any standard documentation.
User Exits: VL71 - Output from Deliveries - community.sap.com
2016年10月28日 · We can process the Outbound Deliveries from VL71. During the processing, the inbound deliveries will be created. Now during the creation of inbound deliveries, we need to change the data. Solution: Create an implicit enhancement in form USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE and modify the data as required. Program: SAPMV50A. Include: MV50AFZ1
百事SAP实施BPP_SD_VL71_打印对外交货单.doc 4页 - 原创力文档
2017年9月15日 · 手册编号: BPP_SD_VL71 功能说明: 对外交货单的打印通过“VL71”在系统中进行操作。 系统路径: 后勤 - 销售和分销- 装运和运输 - 通讯/打印 - 外向交货输出 或者: 后勤 - 后勤执行 - 外向处理 - 外向交货的发货 - 通讯/打印 - 外向交货输出 系统事务代码: VL71:打印对外交货单 前提条件: 已创建对外交货单。
SAP中手工配置Delivery打印message_sap vl71-CSDN博客
2018年12月20日 · 再次使用 T-code:vl71 进行Delivery打印模块即可打印。 技巧 在SAP的日常打印任务中,由于经常要输入像LOCL2这样的打印设备名字,显得非常麻烦。
SAP Transaction Code VL71 - erplingo.com
VL71 allows users to view and print out delivery documents for outbound deliveries. It also allows users to view the status of outbound deliveries, such as whether they have been completed or not. Additionally, it can be used to create a list of outbound deliveries that have been created in the system. Step-by-step How to Use: . 1.