Police - City of San Antonio
The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) is the primary law enforcement agency serving the City of San Antonio, Texas. We are dedicated to creating a safe environment in partnership with those we serve.
EASI - The City of San Antonio
ESS is an online Portal that will enable COSA employees to access their important information through an easy-to-use web site. Review pay stubs: pay stubs dating back to October 2004 are at your fingertips. Update your mailing address, phone number, and emergency contact information.
Careers, Academy & Recruiting - City of San Antonio
The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) employs more than 2,500 sworn law enforcement officers and more than 500 civilians. SAPD Training Academy. The San Antonio Training Academy provides courses for cadets and existing officers. Cadet training involves 35 weeks of rigorous academic, physical and tactical training.
Divisions & Specialized Units - City of San Antonio
Discover the responsibilities of the many specialized law enforcement units within San Antonio Police Department (SAPD). Find out more about this unit, which investigates burglary, theft, trespassing, and animal cruelty as well as other crimes. Find out more about how to report theft of vehicles and stolen parts.
Online Training & Virtual Presentations - The City of San Antonio
Across the City of San Antonio, we: Leverage current job assignments as the primary sources of employee development. Offer supplemental opportunities to learn professional, managerial, leadership, trade, technical, and language skills through City-wide course offerings. Measure capabilities and develop employees based on City-wide standards.
SAPD Non Dispositioned Calls - San Antonio
20 小时之前 · Map Incident Number DateTime Problem Type Address Division; SAPD-2025-0390427: 3/21/2025 3:03:44 AM: Burglary in Progress: 300 DELMAR ST : EAST: SAPD-2025-0390426
第三天! 全球特警大比武-2025 阿联酋特警挑战赛(3)丨赛事
2025年2月6日 · 在安徽队出场前,于顺位第23号出场的哈萨克斯坦“金雕”队,又再一次打破了UAE特警挑战赛的单项纪录,将时间压缩至2分11秒。 (此次项目中,金雕队选择的疑似是一把SRS无托式狙击步枪) (沙漠科技的SRS狙击步枪) (SRS狙击步枪也是小编亲身体会过的第一款沙漠科技公司产品) 面对强劲的对手,作为我国队伍先头部队的安徽队也是迎难而上,赛出了2分20秒的好成绩。 但可惜的是,在搬运轮胎前有名队员走到了锥桶标示的范围外,导致产生 …
2020年8月24日 · A. Officer involved shootings (including apparent accidental shootings) and custodial death incidents involving SAPD Officers or other City of San Antonio Law Enforcement Officers (Airport/Park Police) are investigated by the
Policies & Procedures - City of San Antonio
Browse information on the SAPD by section.
SAP NetWeaver Portal - San Antonio
Contact City of San Antonio Customer Service @ 210-207-8888. Access to this system is limited to authorized users only. Unauthorized access to the system, the unauthorized use of an …