SAR 762 MT - Sarsılmaz Silah
SAR 762 MT series, which is manufactured by completely domestic design and engineering to meet Türkiye's machine gun needs, is developed for both infantry and onboard use. SAR 762 MT series, which offers more shots with its quick barrel changeover feature, has at least 50 thousand shots of body and a barrel life of 25 thousand shots.
Hızlı namlu değiştirilebilme (QCB) özelliğiyle daha fazla atış yapma olanağı sunan SAR 762 MT, en az 50 bin atım gövde ve 25 bin atım namlu ömrüne sahip. -42 ve +72˚C aralığındaki sıcaklıklarda çalışabilen silahın bölge hedefleri için etkili menzili 1100 metreye ulaşıyor. SAR 762 MT’nin azami menzili ise 3.725 metre.
SAR 762 MT-D 7.62x51mm Machine Gun - EDEX 2025
SAR 762 MT series, which offers more shots with its quick barrel changeover feature, has at least 50 thousand shots of body and a barrel life of 25 thousand shots. The weapon, which can operate in temperatures between -42 and + 72°C, reaches 1,200m for regional targets.
SAR 762 MT PLATFORM - Sarsılmaz Silah - sarsilmaz.com
SAR 762 MT series, which offers more shots with its quick barrel changeover feature, has at least 50 thousand shots of body and a barrel life of 25 thousand shots. The weapon, which can operate in temperatures between -42 and + 71°C, reaches 1,200m for regional targets.
SAR 762 MT-C - beta.sarsilmaz.com
SAR 762 MT-C. SAR 762 MT series, which is manufactured by completely domestic design and engineering to meet Türkiye’s machine gun needs, is developed for both infantry and onboard use
Sarsılmaz Quality in Military Arms - beta.sarsilmaz.com
Presenting possibility of more firing through its feature of rapid barrel changeover, SAR 762 MT has at least 50 shooting life body and 25 thousand shooting barrel life. Weapon operable at temperatures between -36 to +72˚C has an effective range reaching 1.200 meters for area targets. While maximum range of SAR 762 MT is 3.725 meters.
SAR 762 MT 7.62x51mm Machine Gun - sourcehere.com
SAR 762 MT series, which offers more shots with its quick barrel changeover feature, has at least 50 thousand shots of body and a barrel life of 25 thousand shots. The weapon, which can operate in temperatures between -42 and + 72°C, reaches 1,200m for regional targets. The maximum range of SAR 762 MT is 3,725 m.
sar 762 mt-a makİnelİ tÜfek / machine gun teknİk verİ (technical data) rev:0 - 15/10/2024. 1- uzunluk (length) 2- namlu uzunluĞu (barrel length) 3- yÜkseklİk (height) aksesuarsiz aĞirlik (without accessories weight) 10800 g (±150 g) / 381.5 oz
优于俄罗斯“佩切涅格”:乌克兰武装部队将获得北约SAR 762 MT …
2024年10月31日 · 乌克兰国防部已编纂并批准使用7.62 x 51毫米口径的sar 762 mt通用机枪。 国防部网站报道了这一消息。 值得注意的是,与俄罗斯同级佩切涅格机枪相比,该武器具有多项技术优势。
Front Line Unshaken With SAR 56 and SAR 762 MT
Sarsılmaz started to develop SAR 762 MT under PMT 7.62x51 project signed in 2018 with Defense Industry Department (SSB). Starting this Project with the target of meeting requirements of Turkish Armed Forces, Gendarmerie General Command and Security General Directorate, introduced an infantry rifle capable of en least 50.000 shots.