Solved: What to set as default app for handling sas program files …
2024年11月5日 · What to set as default app for handling sas program files (.sas) in Windows Posted 11-04-2024 08:59 PM (1932 views) My workplace just replaced my computer and installed SAS on the new one, but somehow failed to set file associations, so that Windows does not automatically chose SAS to open .sas files, or .sas7bdat files.
Custom mobile app example using the SAS Mobile SDK: Gather IQ
2018年5月16日 · SAS Visual Analytics is most often viewed on a computer. But when users want to take reports with them, the SAS Mobile BI App is the fast and free way to view these same interactive reports on a mobile device. This app has been around for many years and has given users the freedom and flexibility to view SAS Visual Analytics reports on the go.
Solved: SASApp Connection Issue - SAS Support Communities
2014年4月11日 · However this doesn't mean when you run the SAS Program in EG, it would execute. Reason being the user doesn't have the privilege to reach object spwaner which will inturn launch SASApp workspace server to run the SAS Code. Reach out to your SAS Platform Admin, to give the required access to your user ID in order to launch the workspace server.
Header Too Large in sas studio app pod log - SAS Communities
2025年2月26日 · Hi All, I have deployed SAS VIYA on Kubernetes and all the pods are running except CAS pods. when i am trying to SASStuudio url it gives an error" bad request". Note: I am not able to open any of the url lie studio, drive and Environment manager. On checking SAS-Studio-app pod log, i see the...
SAS Visual Analytics – Insights for Everyone (literally everyone)
2021年9月15日 · SAS Visual Analytics fits right into this modern user approach with specific mobile apps and the corresponding daily consumer needs. Device OS specific Apps including Report customizations in View mode . a. SAS Visual Analytics App for iOS devices. SAS Visual Analytics App for iOS: Help Center . b. SAS Visual Analytics App for Android devices
Solved: SAS Management Console Setup - SAS App ... - SAS …
2017年10月20日 · Re: SAS Management Console Setup - SAS App Credentials Required Prompt in Enterprise Guide 9.4 Posted 10-21-2017 06:24 PM (6278 views) | In reply to nhvdwalt Of course, another way to always use a service identity to launch workspace servers is to switch the SAS Workspace Server over to SAS Token Authentication.
Build a HTML5 Web App Using SAS 9 or Viya - SAS Communities
2020年5月16日 · This is a short article to provide supporting and background info for my SGF 2020 virtual presentation, "Build a HTML5 Web App Using SAS". This was originally planned as a HoW (Hands On Workshop), and the workshop (1 hour) is still available for those who are interested, they are free, we run them occasionally whenever there is enough interest.
SAS EM web app error in User Service configuration
2013年11月14日 · When you are using the web-start I assume you have - installed a server version of miner. When you are using a server-version wiht a local eminer client the situation is a little bit different.
Local user SASapp connection. - SAS Communities
2021年8月22日 · Now domain users can not connect in to SAS Workspace server ether from a client station. I am able to rdp to SASApp (from the same client) using sastest and was able to start SAS session. But when I try to test connection from the same client through SAS EG or SAS integration technologies I am not able to connect to SAS App server.
The SAS VA Web App Server SASSERVER1_1 suddenly stops running
2017年3月30日 · Our SAS VA (7.3) Web App Server will suddenly stop while the rest of the SAS services are operating normally. This has happened twice. We are in a SAS VA Distributed environment on Unix. Has anyone else had this happen? Also how do we prevent this from happening or can it be prevented? Note: The service can be started again successfully.