[SAS 활용 노하우] Array Statement - SAS Support Communities
2022年9月21日 · SAS에서는 위의 1번 예시부터 5번 예시는 동일한 결과를 출력합니다. 변수의 수 (ARRAY certi [5] )를 지정하는 방법은 'Explicit Array_명시적 배열'이라고도 합니다. 위의 certi Array는 아래와 같은 1차원 배열을 생성합니다. SAS 구조는 1차원 배열만 사용 가능합니다.
Pass one variable values into an array - SAS Communities
2024年3月22日 · I'm not sure what the "elements do not have an identic naming rule" has to do with anything. If you are referring to the Proc transpose partial solution then the step is to place the VALUES of your current variable (what ever stuff may be in it) and place it on a single observation (a requirement for an array) and provide a variable name that is …
Look up in array to identify a specific value - SAS Communities
2020年3月18日 · The variable IDENTIFIED is the correct answer in the HAVE data where the IDENTIFIED variable correctly captured value of '157' in any variable of the array. In other words, all DX01-DX03 are diagnoses and any of this series of variables can indicate the diagnosis (157 by ICD-9) that I'm looking up to identify.
[SAS 활용 노하우] Array 사용법 - SAS Support Communities
2022年9月20日 · SAS에서 배열은 DATA 단계에서 ARRAY 문을 사용하여 정의됩니다. ARRAY 문은 다음과 같은 일반 형식을 갖습니다. ARRAY name (n) $ variable-list; 위의 명령문에서 name은 배열에 지정한 이름이고 n은 배열에 있는 변수의 수입니다. (n) 다음은 변수 이름 목록입니다.
How to use Arrays to calculate Maximum value - SAS Communities
2017年11月9日 · 2. DO NOT name your arrays the same name as SAS functions, that's a recipe for confusion. 3. Once you change your array names, add the SET statement, you'll want to change your max functions to point to the new array names. 4. You have no RUN at the end of your last PROC PRINT so that step will never finish. 5.
Array - how to get variable name, not value of variable - SAS …
2012年12月18日 · Hi all, I am trying to use an array with a loop to automate a process of marking rows for keeping. I have a variable called "table" which contains output from a proc freq crosstab, so it contains variable names, e.g. "sex-1*county" "race-1*county". Those same variables (sex-1 and race-1) are also v...
SAS array - SAS Support Communities
2018年6月26日 · An array is different to other languages. An array in SAS is a reference to variables in the dataset, either ones which exist or ones created by the array statement, but the array itself is nothing more than an alias for a list of variables in a dataset, it is not a data container itself. I would suggest looking at some coding standards. This:
Change formats in array statement - SAS Communities
2017年12月6日 · Look at the syntax of the array statement, you have it wrong. Also, post some test data in a datastep so we have something to work with. This should work, but only guessing: data want; set have; array c{6} date1 date2 date3 date4 date5 date6; array n{6} date11--date16; do i=1 to 6; n{i}=input(c{i},ddmmyy10.); end; run;
Create new variables using and based on arrays - SAS Communities
2021年11月4日 · Dear SAS experts I would like to create new variables which are modified versions of existing variables. I would like the new variables to have a very similar names to those already present. Adding a simple suffix, e.g. "_r", would be fine. Because I want to perform this operation many times (many...
SAS ARRAY - DATE FORMATS - SAS Support Communities
2017年6月1日 · ARRAY statement is a tool to assign a name to a list of variables, of same type, in order to enable relate to an array member (a speceific variable) by index. ARRAY is not the tool to assign formats to variables. Example: array varx {3} var1 var2 var3; /* …