Solved: Flagging a variable - SAS Support Communities
2017年12月11日 · I have a dataset I want to flag if a condition is met. The below is how my data look like. and so on. As long as we're accepting late entries, I would suggest a different end result: proc sql; create table want as. select *, sum (treatment) as flag. from have. group by id; quit; Now your FLAG values won't always be 0 or 1.
How to create a Flag Variable, Based on the variable ... - SAS …
2022年2月23日 · I am looking to create a flag variable ="Y" in my example if my "aetype" variable contains any of the words (Nausea or headache) in it. I am little aware of using "FIND" or "INDEX" or "FINDW". So I have to write condition for every word? because I have alike 50 different words if those are present in "aetype" then I need flag="Y".
SAS笔记(5) FLAG和计数器 - zzwhu - 博客园
2017年7月25日 · sas笔记(5) flag和计数器 考虑这样一种场景:我们有一份患者入院检查的数据,我们知道一个患者有可能会多次去医院做检查,每次检查的结果可能为阳性,也可能为阴性。
Solved: SAS flags - SAS Support Communities
2018年8月20日 · I want to flag certain classes these students have taken by giving each class a column. If the student has taken that class then 1, else 0. The problem I'm running into is that if the student has taken more than one of those classes, my flags aren't staying in the same row...but a new row is created and a flag added.
SAS create a flag in table1 if variable is present in table2
2016年5月23日 · proc sql; create table common as select a.*, (case when exists (select 1 from table2 b where A.class=B.class and A.student=B.student and A.course=B.course) then 1 else 0 end) as flag from table1 a;
SAS笔记(3) LAG和DIFF函数 - zzwhu - 博客园
2017年7月24日 · LAG返回的是上一次LAGE函数运行时的实参,即LAG (argument)=上一次LAG函数执行时的argument. 1. LAG函数. INPUT X; LAST_X = LAG(X); DIFF_X = X - LAST_X; TITLE "Demonstration the LAG Function"; 在这个例子中,LAG的确返回的是当前数据的上一个值,但是这只是表象,记住: LAG返回的是上一次LAGE函数运行时的实参,即LAG (argument)=上一次LAG函数执行时的argument。
SAS编程-ADaM:Efficacy Analysis Flag的两种生成方法 - 简书
2022年5月5日 · SAS编程-ADaM:Efficacy Analysis Flag的两种生成方法. 临床试验会针对Efficacy Endpoints进行Efficacy分析,这些分析是针对特定的Efficacy Paramters。纳入Efficacy分析的人群,通常是基线以及基线后至少一次访视值不为空 (With non-missing values at baseline and at least on post-baseine visit)。
SAS How To: To flag Baseline records - Blogger
2012年5月24日 · Different programmers use different approaches to flag Baseline records. I used two steps (using LB domain in SDTM as an example): 1) To sort the assessment results in dataset LB througth PROC SORT by subject assessment date_time...; 2) To flag the Baseline value with ABLFL='Y'. ** flag=0 indicating there is no ABLFL marked yet. **;
Creating a flag for first and last in SAS - Stack Overflow
I want to be able to create a flag, here called timeflag, that is set to 1 for every first and last entry of a certain Session, designated by logflag. What I have is the following but this gives me null data points: set IN.TENMAY_LOGFLAG; if first.logflag then timeflag = 1; if …
sas - Computing a flag based on consecutive columns - Stack Overflow
2022年9月7日 · I want to compute a flag FINAL taking into account the last 6 weeks (period_) columns as such: If 2 consecutive periods are YES then the final flag should be Y; If 3 consecutive periods are NO then the final flag should be N