Solved: How to use rename and drop statements in a data step
2023年6月29日 · RENAME in that case is the name of the variable that is being assigned the value. The extra parentheses do not change the way the expression on the right of the assignment will be evaluated since it only has the one operator. You are probably confusing the RENAME statement with the RENAME= dataset option.
Can we use SAS program to rename the file name in a folder
2022年10月17日 · With the SAS RENAME function , you can also rename external files ! See here : SAS® 9.4 and SAS® Viya® 3.5 Programming Documentation | SAS 9.4 / Viya 3.5 Functions and CALL Routines RENAME Function Renames a member of a SAS library, an entry in a SAS catalog, an external file, or a directory.
What's the best way to rename a variable in a dataset? - SAS …
2024年1月5日 · The RENAME option in the 2nd example will have to re-create the dataset again to have the old variable replaced with the new variable name. Other than the inefficiency, the RENAME option from the 2nd example can be used.
Rename all variables in a dataset at once - SAS Communities
2021年3月1日 · This macro will be helpful for this and other variable list manipulations. %macro expand_varlist /*Returns an expanded variable list and optionally creates an indexed data set of variable names*/ ( data = _LAST_, /*[R]Input data*/ var = _ALL_, /*[R]Variable List expanded*/ where = 1, /*[R]Where clause to subset OUT=, useful for …
How to transpose and rename variables - SAS Communities
2021年8月9日 · I have a dataset (excerpt shown below): DATA have; input id year Latitude Longitude ; DATALINES; 1049 1995 34.289001 -85.970065 1049 1999 34.289001 -85.970065 1073 1990 33.386389 -86.816667 1073 1995 33.331111 -87.003611 1073 1995 33.386389 -86.816667 1073 1995 33.578333 -86.773889 1073 1996 33.33...
rename many variables using array? - SAS Support Communities
2020年1月15日 · You can't use an array to rename variables. If the variable names all have a pattern (such as x1-x27) and the renamed variables have a pattern (such as paige1-paige27) — which by the way are highly recommended variable names 😉 …
[SAS 활용 FAQ] DATA step 옵션 - RENAME
2021年10月28日 · 변수명을 변경할 때 사용 . SAS data set( RENAME=( old-1 = new-1 old-2 = new-2 … old-n = new-n ) ) 예제 height를 ht로, weight를 wt로 변경.
How to rename variable in PROC SQL? - SAS Communities
2017年2月8日 · Hello, I would like to rename the following variable in Proc SQL although I know it could be done in SAS data steps. But I would like to use in PROC SQL, how? Thanks. data dataout.rename; set dataout.test; rename HAVARTH3=AR _PRACE=RACE _AGEG5YR=AGE _INCOMG=INCOME _HCVU651=INSURANC...
conditionally renaming variables - SAS Communities
2014年6月24日 · That's correct stat@sas. That's by design, I know sometimes I will have 1 or 2 of the count variables. Count1 is guaranteed, Count2 could be in the dataset or not. I would like to test for that. One would think that since the there is a IF-THEN-ELSE statement on the "Check" variable, that that would work and not give me the sas Warning message.
Renaming a group of variables with the same prefix - SAS Support ...
2015年2月2日 · Explore using PROC DATASETS / MODIFY with RENAME -- SAS code can be generated then %INCLUDE, based on the output of a PROC CONTENTS with OUT= or otherwise manually coded if/where the SAS variable names are known and expected to be present. Scott Barry SBBWorks, Inc.