California Legislative Information
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尼康Speedlight SB-27网友点评 - xitek.com
Nikon Speedlight SB-27 是一款小巧的智能型闪光灯,闪光指数为30(35mm端),手动控制时有Full、1/2、1/4、1/8、1/16 五档可选。 ...(详细内容) 上世纪的经典闪灯! 该有的功能几乎全都有了! 还没发现! 不到600人民币买了个99新的。 其实我不怎么用闪光灯,但是因为实在是便宜而且成色太好,没忍住就买了。 有人说那块白色的柔光片容易折断,但是到现在我认识的用SB-27的人里边好象还没有哪个在正常使用的情况下把它给用断了的。 不错的一只灯。 较轻便, …
Speedlight SB-27, an easy-to-use flash unit offering you the most convenient system for automatic flash photography in combination with Nikon cameras. The SB-27’s extensive capabilities range from Non-TTL Auto Flash to 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash, today’s most advanced flash technology. For optimum results, be sure to read this manual
2025 Senate Bill 27 - Wisconsin Legislative Documents
An Act to create 230.35 (6) of the statutes; Relating to: requiring state employees to perform their work at the offices of their employer. (FE)
Bill Text: CA SB27 | 2023-2024 | Regular Session - LegiScan
Existing policy of the regents establishes a general prohibition on contracting out for services and functions that can be performed by university staff, with certain exceptions, establishes employment standards for contract employees, and provides for the conversion of contract employees to university employment under prescribed circumstances.
Bill Text: CA SB27 | 2025-2026 | Regular Session | Introduced
Existing law, the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act, authorizes specified adult persons to petition a civil court to create a voluntary CARE agreement or a court-ordered CARE plan and implement services, to be provided by county behavioral health agencies, to provide behavioral health care, including stabilization medica...
Overview - UCOP
SB27 (Government Code section 10510.50, et seq.) is a California Senate Bill introduced by Senators Durazo and Caballero in December 2022 and signed into law on October 8, 2023. It is set to take effect on January 1, 2024. The bill applies to vendors providing covered services to the University of California.
行家聊聊Nikon SB系列 - 无忌摄影论坛
2002年9月19日 · 恭请大侠来综合评价一下Nikon 的SB系列闪光灯: 功能、主要用途、配用的相机、性价比等等。 以下是网上cut来的型号报价单: SB-22S/SB-27 闪光灯 820/1420 SB-80DX/SB-29 闪光灯 2150/2600 SB-50DX T
尼康SB-27 - 百度百科
尼康SB-27是尼康品牌旗下的产品。 该产品闪光灯轻便易用,有高达 30的 ( 设定于 35毫米, ISO 100,米 ) 闪光指数,涵盖由 24毫米 至 50毫米 的自动电动变焦功能。 更有可转动闪光灯头,从而精密控制主体阴影。 尼康SB-27是尼康品牌旗下的产品。 该产品闪光灯轻便易用,有高达 30的 ( 设定于 35毫米, ISO 100,米 ) 闪光指数,涵盖由 24毫米 至 50毫米 的自动电动变焦功能。 更有可转动闪光灯头,从而精密控制主体阴影。
尼康sb27 (尼康sb-27中文使用说明书免费下载)_由你拍
尼康sb-27中文使用说明书免费下载 1、先找到菜单里的一个“内置闪光灯控制”的选项,然后设为TTL,再设置组A为TTL。 2、按住闪光灯中央SEL键直到显示菜单,选REMOTE。
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