Tupolev SB-2 Twin-Engine Light / Medium Fast-Bomber Aircraft
2020年6月1日 · The Tupolev SB-2 (SB = "Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik", translating to "fast bomber") was a light-/medium-class twin engine bomber serving Soviet forces during the Second World War (1939-1945).
二战军机大全——苏联攻击机与轰炸机(一) - 知乎专栏
SB -2(skorosnoi bombirovshchik“高速轰炸机”),是由安德烈·图波列夫设计局开发的机型,局内编号ANT-40。 原型机于1934年10月首次飞行,比当时各国轰炸机领先了几年:全金属结构、封闭驾驶舱和可伸缩起落架,在作战高度最高速度可达325公里/小时,比同时期大 ...
Tupolev SB - Wikipedia
The Tupolev ANT-40, also known by its service name Tupolev SB (Russian: Скоростной бомбардировщик – Skorostnoi Bombardirovschik – high speed bomber) and development co-name TsAGI-40, was a high speed twin-engined three-seat monoplane bomber, first …
Tupolev SB-2: Photos, History, Specification - Military Equipment …
The Tupolev SB-2 ("SB" in the name stands for "skorostnoi bombardirovschik", meaning "fast bomber") was a light to medium bomber used by the Soviet Armed Forces during World War II.
Tupolev SB-2 – Wikipedia
Туполев АНТ-40) oli Tupolevin Neuvostoliitossa vuosina 1934–1941 valmistama kaksimoottorinen keskiraskas pommikone. Se oli yksi vertailuryhmänsä parhaista pommikoneista 1930-luvun puolivälissä. Andrei Tupolevin johtama suunnitteluryhmä alkoi 1933 suunnitella pommikonetta Neuvostoliiton aerodynamiikan tutkimuslaitoksessa TsAGI:ssa.
Tupolev SB-2bis (?) | Suomen Ilmailumuseot - Finnish Aviation …
2025年1月30日 · Vuonna 1938 kone sai moottoreikseen tehokkaammat 960 hv:n Klimov M-103 -moottorit, jolloin mallimerkinnäksi muuttui SB-2M-103 (usein SB-2bis). Kaikkiaan SB-2-konetta valmistettiin 6 831 kpl mukaan lukien koulukoneversiot. Konetta ammuttiin alas sekä talvi- että jatkosodassa huomattavia määriä.
19 Aug 1945 - The STORY of AIRCRAFT - Trove
1945: The SB-2bis is a development of the earlier SB-2 and was designed by A. N. Tupoley famous Soviet aircraft designer. The SB-2bis resembles the SB-2 in appearance but has neatly cowled 950 hp. M-103 twelve-cylinder, liquid cooled, in line engines, a dorsal turret and an open ventral gun position.
Tupolev SB | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The SB-2 is a Soviet light bomber which served in the VVS and various other air forces during the conflict before and during World War II. The SB-2 was a typical twin-engined monoplane when compared to other World War II era twin-engined bombers.
Wartime Aircraft of the Finnish Air Force Tupolev SB-2
Five SB-2s had been salvaged from aircraft shot down over Finland during the Winter War by 25 June 1941. They were assigned to LeLv 6 for anti-shipping missions.
Tupolev SB-2M-103 (16/250) - Suomen Ilmailumuseot
2025年1月30日 · In 1938 SB-2 got 960 PS Klimov M-103 engines anr model marking was changed to SB-2M-103 (usually SB-2bis). The total production was 6,831 aircraft including trainer variants. Finland got eight SB-2s as war booty during the Winter War and bought 16 SB-2s from German war booty storages during the Continuation War.
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