Heath SB220 3-500z short and modification question
2019年6月5日 · The most popular, published modification for the SB-220 has been filament inrush-current limiting. It is true that a large number of 3-500Zs in SB-220s suffered from filament-to-grid shorts, so some people began to theorize that …
Richard L. Measures, AG6K SK January 4, 2018 Age 76
2018年1月4日 · Keywords: MODIFICATION HEATHKIT SB-220 Report a problem with this entry; DEC 1990 - QST (PG. 41) Circuit Improvements for the Heath SB-220 Amplifier--Part 2 Author: Measures, Richard, AG6K Article: QST Archive [PDF] Keywords: MODIFICATION HEATHKIT SB-220 Report a problem with this entry; JAN 1989 - QST (PG. 23) Adding 160-Meter Coverage to …
Chuck Penson's Third Edition of "Heathkit: A Guide to the Amateur …
2021年9月15日 · For example: SB-102 => KWM-2; SB-220 => Drake L4-B, etc. AFTER 1969, Japanese manufacturers came into the American market at far lower prices, with, in general, good quality. And before that, the WEIGHT of the rigs ('boat anchors') often made the cost of Asia to US shipping prohibitive; PCB construction and solid state portions of radios ...
To Balun or not to Balun... - QRZ Forums
2004年2月21日 · I still run my ic-736, SB-220 with the same setup, but I now use 6 to 8 turns of 10" loop near the bottom of the coax, just before the shack. this seems to keep some of the transiant rf out of the shack, but still allows the coax to work with the antenna to provide a really wide functional antenna.... Hope this helps. gud dx, cul.
MFJ-998 automatic antenna tuner 1500 Watts - Review and Setup
2017年6月18日 · This is the MFJ-998 automatic antenna tuner 1500 Watts - Full Review and Setup. Tested with my Kenwood TS-990 and Heathkit SB-221 1.3kW tube amplifier (pair or 3-500z). I know, the bands were pretty bad the day I shoot this video, or I forgot to remove my RX antenna from ground ;-) 73 Pascal VA2PV
Ham petition to have a 220 radio thats not ALINCO!
2006年5月22日 · Send an e-mail to [email protected] and once I have 10,000 signatures I will send all the signatures to Icom, Kenwood, and Yaesu to have them come out with a new 220 radio. Kenwood had the 220 radios and we want them back! Icom could make a great 220 radio and yaesu would have an amazing 220 radio.
OX0J, Maniitsoq island NA-220 | QRZ Forums
2023年2月23日 · OX0J, Maniitsoq island NA-220 Discussion in ' Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events ' started by EA1CS , Feb 23, 2023 . EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page
Yaesu FT-818 Beginner's Guide - QRZ Forums
2023年3月11日 · These may also be of interest and can be printed out Microsoft Word - ft-817cheat sheet.docx (sm7iun.se) The ultimate guide to your Yaesu FT-817ND radio - OE5LXR With links to Service manual.
Silent Key W6XD - QRZ Forums
2021年2月15日 · SB SPCL ARL ARLX003 ARLX003 Former ARRL Southwestern Division Director Art Goddard, W6XD (SK) Former ARRL ...
A Budget Friendly, Yet Superb Quality Vertical Antenna! - QRZ …
2017年8月4日 · I use mine portable off of the vehicle. I use a hustler mast and the 102 inch whip on top of the SB 1000 coil. I also have it so that I can quickly switch 3 bands, 75 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters. 17 meters is a little more tricky, I have to collapse the antenna.