Nikon SB-28DX SB28DX Speedlight - KenRockwell.com
The SB-28DX works perfectly on every Nikon film camera ever made in every mode. Nikon puts the brains for the flash system into their cameras, so the SB-28DX will get all the features and best performance of which your film camera is capable.
尼康Speedlight SB-28DX规格参数 - production.xitek.com
Nikon Speedlight SB-28DX 在 Speedlight SB-28 的基础上,增加了配合 D1 系列相机的 TTL 自动调光功能。 ...(详细内容) 权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
尼康Speedlight SB-28网友点评 - xitek.com
Nikon Speedlight SB-28 是一款高性能闪光灯,最大闪光指数可达50。 ...(详细内容) 非常好,体现出了尼康闪光系统的本色。 对于室内成像色彩还原准确,使用方便,主体与背景光度平衡,对你的片片帮助一定很大。 对电池要求高。 这款灯,你买了就会觉得值。 功能强大,性能优秀,曝光准确,体积适中。 没有100Hz的频闪和1/128分功率的手动输出. 不带光同步功能。 选尼康就是看中它的闪光功能,用下来的确不错,曝光准确,省了手动时的许多脑筋,有时大白天也装在机 …
Foreword Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of the Nikon Autofocus Speedlight SB-28, a flash unit offering sleek new styling and si. ple push-button operation. When used with Nikon SLR cameras, the SB-28’s extensive capabilities range from 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash, today’s most advanced flash technology.
尼康Speedlight SB-28DX器材比较 - xitek.com
Nikon Speedlight SB-28DX 在 Speedlight SB-28 的基础上,增加了配合 D1 系列相机的 TTL 自动调光功能。 ...(详细内容)
Nikon SB 28 DX Flash Unit - amazon.com
2008年12月1日 · The SB-28DX is designed to provide fully dedicated TTL operation with the Nikon D1, D1H, D1X, and D100 SLR digital cameras The SB-28DX is also fully functional with film-based cameras like the N90s, F100, and F5.
NIKON SB-28DX SPECIFICATIONS Pdf Download | ManualsLib
The SB-28DX provides most of the same advanced flash control features as the SB-28 Speedlight, and is compatible with current Nikon SLR cameras.
Nikon SB-28DX Speedlight Flash [GN138] {Bounce, Swivel, Zoom}
The Nikon Speedlight SB-28DX offers photographers all of the power and features found in the SB-28, plus an added advantage when attached to one of Nikon's digital SLRs. When connected to the Nikon D1x/D1H digital SLR camera, the Speedlight SB-28DX offers 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash and a non-TTL auto-flash exposure mode, too.
Nikon SB-28DX Speedlight Specifications | DSLRBodies | Thom …
The SB-28DX was the first of the "digital" flash units from Nikon, introduced with the Nikon D1 models, and basically a quick update to the SB-28 flash to support DSLRs. Note that the SB-28DX is D-TTL, not i-TTL, so it only works with older DSLRs. Guide Number (ISO 100 FX): 105 ft, 32m @ 28mm Weight: 11.8 ounces (335g) Power: 4 AA batteries ...
Nikon Autofocus Speedlight SB-28DX With Case - Boxed
NIKON-FILM - Nikon SB-28DX - D-TTL (instead of 3D-TTL) Flash - Boxed. A large Collection of Nikon Film Cameras Lenses and Accessorioes for sale.