The SBB online portal for timetable, trains and public transport
Only show connections without ‘Very high occupancy’. Also show connections via other routes with a longer duration. Monthly info and offers from SBB.
瑞士联邦铁路, 瑞士国铁中文官方网站 | SBB
瑞士联邦铁路SBB中文官方网站,提供最新瑞士铁路资讯、最新瑞士国铁时刻表及票价查询、瑞士联邦铁路网上订票、网上订火车票。 各种优惠瑞士旅行通票、旅游行程等。
SBB Company | SBB
We transport over 1,390,000 people and 170,000 tonnes of freight to their destination every day. Our 35,500 employees work passionately in the interest of our customers. SBB. Connecting …
SBB Unternehmen.
Wir bringen täglich über 1,39 Millionen Reisende und 170 000 Tonnen Güter ans Ziel. 35 500 Mitarbeitende setzen sich mit Leidenschaft für unsere Kund:innen ein. SBB. Weil …
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen – Wikipedia
SBB Infrastruktur ist seit der Reorganisation und Umwandlung der SBB in eine AG per Anfang 1999 die Bezeichnung für die Division Infrastruktur. Sie ist zuständig für den Bau, Unterhalt und Betrieb sämtlicher Bahnanlagen, der Energieversorgung und der …
The company | SBB
Its 3030 route kilometres make up a high proportion of Switzerland’s 7590-km rail network. With the exception of Herisau and Appenzell, all of Switzerland’s cantonal capitals are on the SBB network. 794 stations have hourly or half-hourly train services. Two-thirds of all freight passing through the Swiss Alps goes by train.
Swiss Federal Railways - Wikipedia
It is the largest rail and transport company of Switzerland; it operates on most standard gauge lines of the Swiss railway network. It also heavily collaborates with most other transport companies of the country, such as the BLS, one of its main competitors, or Südostbahn (SOB), to provide fully integrated timetables with cyclic schedules.
Das Online-Portal der SBB für Fahrplan, Zug und ÖV
Alles über Halbtax, GA, Billette, Ausflüge, Städtereisen und Event-Tickets sowie Infos zu Bahnhöfen, Störungen & Fahrplan.
Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB - Company Profile and News
SBB AG, doing business as Swiss Federal Railways, provides transportation services. The Company offers travel cards and tickets, rail catering, insurance, lockers, and tourist services, as well...
SBB GmbH - Wikipedia
SBB GmbH, also known as SBB Deutschland, is a railway company that operates services in Germany and the cantons of Basel-City and Schaffhausen in Switzerland. It is a subsidiary of Swiss Federal Railways, the state railway company of Switzerland.