The SBB online portal for timetable, trains and public transport
Half Fare & GA Travelcards, tickets, excursions, city breaks, event tickets & information on stations, disruptions & the timetable.
IC2000 modernised: increased travel comfort - SBB
The IC2000 long-distance double-deck trains are currently being refurbished, increasing travel comfort for passengers. The refurbishment will be completed in 2024. Train characteristics. …
IC2000: the long-distance double-deck train for national hubs - SBB
The long-distance double-deck train runs InterCity and InterRegio services in Switzerland. Find out more about the train.
瑞士黄金列车在SBB网站上显示的什么,我看到俄只有IC,IR,RE,ICE, …
在瑞士想坐黄金列车,sbb上查询到的车次,哪种标示是黄金列车? 6个回答 瑞士蒙特勒到琉森的黄金列车都需要提前预定座位吗?
IC2000 – Wikipedia
Als IC2000 werden in der Schweiz die doppelstöckigen Schnellzugwagen der SBB, die ab 1997 beschafft wurden, bezeichnet. Diese für 200 Kilometer pro Stunde zugelassenen …
IC 2000 - Wikipedia
The IC 2000 is a double-deck push-pull train in Switzerland and is run by Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS) as part of its InterCity service. Top speed is 200 km/h. The train set can be …
SBB-1000,SBB-1000规格参数,SBB-1000厂家/品牌/封装批号/ …
为你找到279条sbb-1000型号,品牌,封装,批号,价格,图片等信息,批发采购sbb-1000,上阿里巴巴1688 ic频道。 共 279 件 SBB-1000
SBB-1000各脚功能电路原理芯片引脚定义引脚图及功能IC贸易商-中国IC …
瑞士火车标记IC,IR,SBB什么的略懂了 - 穷游问答
这两条线的铁轨上没有别的火车(ic ir)跑。 所以只要你的起点终点是对的且中途没有去某个很远的地方转车,那么时间表就是黄金或者 冰川 讨论 1 2014-08-29 21:45
SBB-1000_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书 - 半导小芯
半导小芯为您提供SBB-1000的资料查询:数据手册查询,规格书查询,datasheet查询,IC查询、替代型号查询等相关信息,帮您快速找到SBB-1000的数据手册、规格书、datasheet等芯 …