Emergency stop module BD 5987 - DOLD
The BD 5987 is used to interrupt a safety circuit in a safe way. It can be used to protect people and machines in applications with e-stop buttons and safety gates. The BD 5987.02/301 can be used as electronic replacement of a safety switch according to EN 81-20, section
5987 Adafruit Industries LLC - 5987 | DigiKey Electronics
Order today, ships today. 5987 – MAX3232E - Level Shifter Interface Evaluation Board from Adafruit Industries LLC. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
1N5987-Zener-Diode | Microchip Technology
Regulates voltage over a broad operating current and temperature range. Extensive selection from 2.4 to 200 volts. Flexible axial-lead mounting terminals. Non-sensitive to ESD (MIL-STD-750, method 1020). Minimal capacitance (see Figure 2). Inherently radiation hard as described in Microchip “MicroNote 050”.
SBE-911/917 Plus CTD 综合测量系统 - 道客巴巴
2011年5月2日 · 它由 SBE9pl us 水下单元、SBE11 甲板单元、SBE17 pl us SEAR AM控制记录仪和 SBE 32采水器等几部分组成。 SBE9plus 水下单元的外壳可以承受 10000PSI的压力 约等于 6800m水深。
1N5987 Microchip Technology | 二极管 - 得捷电子 Digi-Key官网
1N5987 Microchip Technology 二极管 零件可从 DigiKey 订购。
血气分析结果中ABE、SBE、SBC各代表什么? - 百度知道
2024年9月10日 · sbe代表标准碱剩余,它是在标准条件下测定的碱剩余。与abe不同,sbe不受呼吸因素的影响,仅反映代谢因素导致的酸碱变化。因此,sbe是评估代谢性酸碱平衡紊乱的重要指标。
1N5987 Datasheet (PDF) - Microsemi Corporation
Description: SILICON 500 mW ZENER DIODES. Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation.
JB/T 5987-2017 钢球式节能安全联轴器 - 道客巴巴
2020年2月24日 · jb/t 5987-2017 钢球式节能安全联轴器 下载积分: 700 内容提示: ICS 21.120.20 J 19备案号:61113—2018中 华 人 民 共 和 国 机 械 行 业 标 准JB/T 5987—2017代替 JBAT 5987—1992钢球式节能安全联轴器Safety coupling with steel ball2017-11-07 发布 2018-04-01 实施中华人民共和国工业和信息 ...
SAE ARP 5987-2018_北极星标准文库
A RP 5987 ™ . Issued 2018-12. A Process for Utilizing Aerospace Propulsion He alth Management Systems . for Maintenance Credit. RATI ONALE. This doc ument has been written t o provide a process t o achieve Ma intenanc e Credits us ing Aeros pace Prop ulsion Healt h . Managem ent System s in a consistent way.
BD5987 Datasheet, safemaster equivalent, ETC
Download the datasheet for BD5987 part from ETC. Detailed specifications and information are available.