SBM Offshore launches Float4WindTM
2022年3月30日 · Float4WindTM is the second-generation of SBM Offshore’s innovative offshore wind floater technology, a key aspect of the Company’s long-term strategy to support the energy transition. The new and improved version of the Tension Leg Platform (TLP) design, a technology historically utilized in traditional oil & gas production, is ideal for ...
Floating Offshore Wind - SBM Offshore
SBM Offshore successfully delivered Provence Grand Large, its first pilot floating offshore wind farm project in 2023, leveraging its experience in EPCI for floating solutions and mooring systems. SBM Offshore has also been active in the co-development of floating offshore wind projects and securing seabed rights and relevant permits, together ...
SBM Offshore announces the successful installation of the 3 …
2023年10月12日 · Provence Grand Large is the first project in the world to use a tension leg floater developed by SBM Offshore in cooperation with IFP Energies Nouvelles. SBM Offshore’s floater results in reduced motion and stress on the turbine components, hence is compatible with all wind turbines.
SBM Details Floating System for EDF's Provence Grand Large Project
2016年11月10日 · SBM today provided details related to its part of the work on EDF’s Provence Grand Large project. Within the context of EDF EN being awarded the development of the project, SBM Offshore said that its tender selected by the developer to provide its floating systems for the project’s 8MW offshore wind turbines now gains official acceptance.
图说 | 全球首个张力腿漂浮式海上风电基础下水-国际风力发电网
2023年6月2日 · 近日,法国Provence Grand Large海上风电项目(PGL项目)首个漂浮式基础在Eiffage Métal公司的装配工厂正式下水,这是全球首个张力腿(TLP,Tension Leg Platforms)漂浮式海上风电基础。
Provence Grand Large | Prysmian
The Provence Grand Large (PGL) floating offshore wind farm (FOW) when completed at the end of 2023 will provide 24 MW of clean, safe and reliable energy to more than 40,000 households in France. It will be located about 17 kilometers from the coastal town of Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône (near Marseille) in a water depth of about 100 meters.
2023年8月29日 · Provence Grand Large(PGL)项目位于法国马赛港以西40km处,水深约100米,平均风速10m/s;基础由SBM Offshore和IFP Energies Nouvelles设计,高45米,将安装3台西门子歌美飒8MW(功率提升至8.4MW)风机,计划于今年投入运营。
2022年4月2日 · 这款已被行业熟知的基础,将被用于法国Provence Grand Large(PGL)漂浮式项目,项目位于法国马赛港以西40km处,水深约100m,平均风速10m/s,是法国环境与能源管理署在2016年批准的首批四个浮式风电示范项目之一,将安装3台西门子歌美飒8MW机型(功率最大提 …
全球首座张力腿式 (TLP)浮式平台已于法国Fos-sur-Mer的装配现场 …
2023年5月25日 · 该项目名为Provence Grand Large(PGL),位于法国马赛港以西40km处,水深约100米,平均风速10m/s;基础由SBM Offshore 和 IFP Energies Nouvelles设计,高45米,将安装3台西门子歌美飒8.4MW风机,计划于今年投入运营。
全球首座张力腿式 (TLP)浮式平台于法国下水 - 海洋能源网
2023年6月28日 · 该项目名为Provence Grand Large(PGL),位于法国马赛港以西40km处,水深约100米,平均风速10m/s;基础由SBM Offshore 和 IFP Energies Nouvelles设计,高45米,将安装3台西门子歌美飒8.4MW风机,计划于今年投入运营。