Viper (Legacy of the Void) - Liquipedia - The StarCraft II …
The Viper is a Zerg flying support caster that requires a Hive. The Viper does not attack. Instead, it uses its spells to disrupt the positioning of enemy units. The Viper is particularly effective against entrenched positions and clustered armies.
Viper - StarCraft Wiki | Fandom
These "crystals" emit a powerful pulse that the viper uses to locate its targets with pinpoint accuracy. Its limbs, while formidable in appearance, are crippled in terms of offensive capability, as the Swarm relegated them to the role of simplistic vice-grips.
星际争霸2 英文维基词条 飞蛇(Viper)翻译 - 哔哩哔哩
飞蛇是一种新的异虫变种,其在星际争霸2:虫群之心中被纳入游戏。 1 概述. “飞蛇:战略单位,绑架目标,将其拖拽至飞蛇所在位置。 可对友军或敌军使用。 ——阿巴瑟. 飞蛇集合了数种凶恶的生化武器来削弱敌方的战斗力,为异虫提供战场优势。 它们是一种特化的进攻性支援品系,被完美地进化以用于操控战场。 飞蛇继承了异虫之前由污染者担当的支援角色,其体内含有来自污染者的遗传物质。 1.1 生理学. & #34;见鬼去吧。 我们还带了刺刀。 &# 34; - 帝国陆战队员对飞蛇 …
Starcraft 2 Viper HotS Unit Guide - Osiris SC2 Guide
The Viper is a Starcraft 2 Zerg unit introduced by the Heart of the Swarm expansion pack. This flying caster has no native attacks of its own but its abilities make it one of the most powerful units in the game.
飞蛇 Viper - 星际争霸中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技 …
飞行的施法单位,战地的控场大师。 可使用寄生弹、吞噬、蔽目毒云和绑架技能。 可以对空。 命令选中的单位移动到目标地点,并对沿途遭遇的敌人发起攻击。 收到攻击一个目标的命令后,单位会持续攻击该目标,直到对方被消灭。 生成一片云雾,在其笼罩下的敌方单位和建筑无法进行攻击或使用消耗能量的技能,并降低移动速度,持续10秒。 生成一团寄生云,在10秒内对目标和附近的敌方空中单位造成90点伤害。 如果目标死亡,寄生云会在敌人的死亡位置一直存在直至消 …
Starcraft 2 Unit Guide - Viper | Abilities, How to USE & How ... - YouTube
2021年10月26日 · Learn more about & play Starcraft 2 for free at https://starcraft2.com/en-us/ #StarCraft2 #SC2 #RTS. Vipers should be allowed to consume enemy structures. Prove me wrong. ↓ SHOW MORE for links...
Starcraft 2 Evolution Pit and Missions Guide - Osiris SC2 Guide
This guide contains an analysis of which upgrades to select in the evolution pit and during the evolution missions as well as the best combinations in the Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm campaign.
How to properly use vipers? : r/allthingszerg - Reddit
2020年10月10日 · You want to be on almost pure Hydra/Viper when going for abducts. Hydras just have more DPS. If you plan to go for a 3-way surround with binding clouds then yes you want maybe 1/3rd Roach in front (to soak damage from say Hellbats), 2/3rds Hydra or half and half, but if you're going for cost efficiency abducts, you want mostly Hydras.
Viper (HotS) - StarCraft II - Legacy of the Void Guide - IGN
2013年3月23日 · The Viper is a flying unit that relies on its various abilities to harass and weaken your enemy. They are a fast moving unit that is best used in conjunction with the faster Zerg units like ...
Starcraft 2 Co-op - Commander Guide - Abathur
Unlock the Swarm host's Deep Tunnel ability, which allows it to quickly burrow to a target location. Unlock the Viper's Paralytic Barbs ability, which increased the stun duration of Abduct. Brutalisks and Leviathans gain Symbiotes that follow them, attacking enemies and protecting their host with a damage absorbing shell.
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