Photos & Logos - SC23
Convey the SC brand by using photos taken by our official photographer and the SC23 logo provided below in all approved colors and orientations. Please also review the SC Photo/Video Policy found below.
SC'23见闻: 逛高性能计算大观园有感 - 知乎
这次会场在丹佛市中心的Colorado Convention Center,大概相当于浙江省会展中心吧,比较大。 会议的氛围从会议中心蔓延到了外面,市中心的街道上纷纷装饰了SC'23的logo和信息,街道上形色匆匆的人都挂着参会的吊牌。
Meet This Year’s SCC Teams - SC23
2023年8月7日 · The SC23 Student Cluster Competition (SCC) offers a chance for students to showcase their skills, participate in a healthy competition, and make lifelong professional contacts and personal friends. The competition is a microcosm of a modern HPC center that aims to teach students the basics involved in forging a career in supercomputing.
SC23 Opening Session: Welcome + Kennedy & Fernbach Awards
SC23 General Chair Dorian Arnold welcomes attendees to SC23 in Denver. Ken Kennedy and Sidney Fernbach Awards are presented. —SC23: The International Confere...
Join QCT at SC23 | QCT
2023年11月13日 · QCT would like to cordially invite you to join us at the SC23, the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis that is taking place at the Colorado Convention Center from November 14-16 in Denver, Colorado.
国际顶会SC23收录唯一区块链论文,FISCO BCOS受学术界认可
近日,超算领域国际顶级会刊SC23公布了论文入选名单,由FISCO BCOS架构师李辉忠等撰写的FISCO BCOS架构论文——《FISCO-BCOS:An Enterprise-grade Permissioned Blockchain System with High-performance(FISCO BCOS:高性能企业级联盟链)》显示被录用,该论文也是此次会议唯一一篇区块 ...
SC23 : r/HPC - Reddit
2023年11月16日 · SC23 Wasn’t able to attend this year. Looks like they set record attendance. Great to see. Any key takeaways from this year?
全新鋁圈 ENKEI 經銷專賣店 SC23 17吋 4孔100~114.3 / 5 …
價格: $8,888 元
Loafer SC23 - 101PLUS|Living and More
为此, Space Copenhagen为&Tradition 设计了这款Loafer 一 奢华的缩影。 恰如其名, Loafer沙发历经时间和繁复的工艺,以确保坚固的结构,完美的车缝,提供最大的舒适度。 成立于2017年,101+是目前中国进口家具界成长最快的品牌之一。 从一家独立展厅开始,经过近四年的发展,101+已成为一家集精品中古设计师家具收藏,进口家具品牌代理,室内空间与软装设计服务的综 …
Exhibitor Function Space - SC23
2023年2月13日 · SC will assign function space for exhibitors in participating properties based on your request. This includes a best-effort to meet your priorities for hotel proximity, function space layout/use, and most importantly, occupancy. Note that we will assign occupancy based on the fire marshal-approved (pre-COVID) numbers for specific layouts.