The SCADA system allows for the remote management of the electrical traction power supply for the NYCT subway system. The SCADA system is managed from the Power Control Center, located in the Borough of Manhattan, from which NYCT can monitor, remove, and restore the traction power as needed.
2022年2月10日 · TITLE: C34866 - Design-Build Services for the SCADA Systems Upgrades Project PROPOSAL DUE DATE: February 10, 2022 DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: November 19, 2021 Proposals will only be accepted from those Companies pre-qualified by MTA C&D under Step 1, which are listed below in alphabetical order:
MTA seeks to retain the services of a qualified design-build team (the “Design-Builder”) for design-build services to upgrade the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (“SCADA”) system which connects to the existing power control center (the “PCC”) and to create a new back-up power control center.
interest in reviewing and responding to MTA Construction and Development Company’s (“MTA C&D”) request for information and request for Contract E40201, entitled ‘Fan Plant SCADA Head-End Upgrade’ (the “Procurement”). Bidder understands that certain documents provided by MTA C&D in connection
2024年10月31日 · Furnish and install new Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) integration equipment, battery wiring and system for all breakers and environmental work. Environmental remediation work will be performed as required. This project includes the removal of all existing equipment as indicated on contract plans.
developed a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network system using wireless technology that allows NYC Transit to remotely control and monitor all the end points.
2022年3月7日 · Replace SCADA and Power Monitoring System at Bronx-Whitestone Bridge and Verrazzano Narrows Bridge facilities. The SCADA and PMS shall be integrated to and hosted on the MTA Bridges and
什么是SCADA?一文读懂SCADA系统 - CSDN博客
2024年1月8日 · scada系统的目的是控制和监控特定的系统架构,通过收集、分析、管理和可视化数据的软件和硬件解决方案提供自动化。 SCADA(监控和数据采集)是用于工业自动化以及工业过程实时控制和监控的软件。
SCADA系统组成、网络结构及系统典型架构解析 - 知乎
Power SCADA System Upgrade - govtribe.com
2024年10月2日 · The Long Island Rail Road Company is seeking a consultant to upgrade its existing Power SCADA System through a comprehensive hardware and software enhancement project. The procurement involves replacing the current system platform while maintaining its existing data structures, modeling, and core functionality.