Small Cell Forum Releases - scf.io
2016年1月13日 · This paper analyses different alternatives for functional decomposition between PNF and VNF, including splits corresponding to the classical layering (PDCP/RLC/MAC/PHY) within an LTE small cell, as well as “fractional splits”, for example “Split-MAC” and different ”Split-PHY” approaches.
FAPI specifications - Small Cell Forum
SCF has updated the suite of 5G FAPI specifications which underpin the high-performance low-cost components integral to 5G mobile base stations, whether small cell or macro. FAPI is a common standard agreed between chipset and component …
openairinterface5g/doc/nfapi.md at develop - GitHub
This document describes the SmallCellForum (SCF) (n)FAPI split in 5G, i.e., between the MAC/L2 and PHY/L1. The interested reader is recommended to read a copy of the SCF 222.10 specification ("FAPI"). This includes information on what is P5, P7, and how FAPI works.
Small Cell Forum Releases - scf.io
2017年2月24日 · The SCF nFAPI specification describes an open and extensible interface designed to support a multi-vendor MAC/PHY split between CU/VNF and DU/PNF. As a further evolution of this virtualization work stream, we now publish the definition of an open and extensible TR-069-based PNF management object.
An open source implementation of the Small Cell Forum's ... - GitHub
Open-nFAPI is implementation of the Small Cell Forum's network functional API or nFAPI for short. nFAPI defines a network protocol that is used to connect a Physical Network Function (PNF) running LTE Layer 1 to a Virtual Network Function (VNF) running LTE layer 2 and above.
康复技术|神经肌肉促进技术 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)技术就是本体是 神经肌肉促进技术,是由美国的 神经生理学 家Herman kabat在20世纪40年代创立的,在当时主要用于治疗 脊髓灰质炎 和 多发性硬化 引起的瘫痪, 在50年代,物理治疗师Margaret Knott和Dorothy Voss先后参加了这一技术 ...
Ø Uses FAPI 222.10.02 with some exceptions/fixes/backports from 222.10.04 Ø Uses nvipc library (shared memory) nFAPI: Limited interoperability between OAI VNF and OAI PNF 2 Towards OAI (n)FAPI interface code as the accepted reference definition Stage 3 implementation for the SCF specs V6 seed code (.h contributed by
FAPI专题-1:5G nFAPI接口 - 中文规范-1- 概述、总体框架-CSDN …
2023年3月1日 · 在本文中,RU非虚拟化设备, 又称为物理网络功能PNF,每一个RU支持单一的载波, 而S-CU和S-DU为虚拟化设备,又称为VNF。 对于5G NR操作,小基站需要频率、相位和时间同步。 根据服务的不同,这些要求可能会有很大的不同。 大致有三种方式提供精确的时钟: High accuracy internal oscillator:高稳态的本地晶振。 关于频率同步与相位同步: 5G NR的 FDD部署,只需要提供频率同步. 5G NR的 TDD部署,需要同时提供频率同步和相位同步. (1)如果一 …
PNF技术 是以 人体发育学 和神经生理学原理为基础,根据人类 正常状态 下日常生活的功能活动中常见的动作模式创立的。 它强调多关节、多肌群参与的整体运动而不是单一肌肉的活动,增强了关节的 运动性,稳定性, 控制能力 以及如何完成一复合动作的技巧,同时利用了 运动觉,姿势感觉等刺激增强有关神经肌肉反应和促进相应 肌肉收缩 的锻炼方法;其特征是肢体和躯干的对角线和 螺旋形 主动、被动、抗阻力运动,并主张通过手的接触、语言口令, 视觉引导 来影响 运动模 …
P5 procedures configure and control the PNFs and PHY instances within a PNF New SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier (PPI) for 5G nFAPI (To be assigned by IANA)