The Proteomic Landscape of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Clock …
2014年10月16日 · To identify the subset of 24-h rhythmic proteins, JTK_CYCLE algorithm was used on the SCN proteomic (2112 proteins) or the time-of-day proteomic (421 proteins) dataset under R language. The JTK_CYCLE algorithm allows the user to input integer values when defining the (non-statistical) parameters of a search.
Circadian neurons in the paraventricular nucleus entrain and …
2021年10月1日 · Signals from the central circadian pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), must be decoded to generate daily rhythms in hormone release. Here, we hypothesized that the SCN entrains...
Nighttime-specific differential gene expression in suprachiasmatic ...
2024年10月2日 · Given the enrichment of ‘circadian rhythms signalling’ pathway, we explored whether chronic stress affects the rhythmicity of core clock genes in the SCN and Hb. To this end, we performed JTK...
TDP-43 deficiency in suprachiasmatic nucleus perturbs rhythmicity …
2024年4月19日 · Moreover, our experiments in adult mouse reveal that TDP-43 knockdown, specifically within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), induces locomotor arrhythmia, arrhythmic c-Fos expression, and depression-like behavior. This observation offers valuable insights into the substantial impact of TDP-43 on the behavioral aberrations associated with ALS/FTD.
SCN VIP Neurons Are Essential for Normal Light-Mediated …
We found that SCN VIP neurons are circadian and excited by light in vivo, release VIP depending on time of day and excitatory input, and are necessary for the normal transduction of light signals to the SCN at times when light shifts daily rhythms.
Reshaping circadian metabolism in the suprachiasmatic nucleus …
2020年11月10日 · Analysis of rhythmic metabolites was performed using the nonparametric test JTK_CYCLE , incorporating a window of 20 to 28 h for the determination of circadian periodicity. A complete list of oscillating metabolites and JTK_CYCLE analysis is provided in Dataset S3 for the SCN and in Dataset S4 for the mPFC; see also circadiomics.ics.uci.edu .
AgRP neurons encode circadian feeding time - Nature
2023年11月13日 · As a dominant zeitgeber, feeding entrains extra-suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) clocks and drives metabolic and food anticipatory activity (FAA) rhythms 1. The precise circuitry underlying feeding...
GEO Accession viewer - National Center for Biotechnology Information
2019年5月15日 · We performed a circadian RNA expression profile of the mammalian biological clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in C57/BL6 mice, at 2-hour resolution using microarrays, and at 6-hour resolution using RNA-seq.
A comprehensive rhythmicity analysis of host proteins and …
We have thoroughly investigated the transcript level rhythmic patterns in blood proteins altered in falciparum and vivax malaria and malaria-related immune factors in mice, baboons, and humans by analyzing datasets from published literature and comprehensive databases.
Neuron:聚焦经典脑区视交叉上核,中科院神经所严军研究组揭示 …
2023年5月12日 · 位于下丘脑最下方的视交叉上核(scn)被认为是哺乳动物最核心的昼夜节律起搏器。 SCN通过接受外界信号的影响,产生自持的节律性振荡,调节机体的各项生理过程和行为以适应环境。