SCP-053 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-053. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-053 is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft) and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three (3) months.
SCP-053 - 小女孩 - SCP基金會
那些試圖殺了scp-053的項目將會遭受巨大的心力衰竭或心臟病發,並在對scp-053做出任何生理傷害後幾秒內死亡。 而SCP-053將會從任何傷害中幾乎重生,無論嚴重性。
SCP-053 - SCP基金会
在大部分,但不是所有情况下,这些感觉会全部指向scp-053,而且受影响的对象将会在杀死或者击倒视野内所有人员后开始试图杀死scp-053。 那些试图杀死SCP-053的人在对其造成任何物理伤害后会遭遇严重的心脏病或癫痫发作而马上死去。
SCP-053 - 百度百科
SCP-053「小姑娘」是网络集成式创作的新怪谈文学《SCP基金会》系列中的角色之一。 外表是一个三岁的小女孩,心智却比一般孩童要成熟许多。 因其与 SCP-682 的互动而为人所知。 SCP-053是一个三岁的小女孩。 她拥有基础对话能力并且在心智发展上比通常小孩要成熟一点。 她的性格通常很乐观而且很少发怒,只有在被很多人环绕的情况下才会变得不安。 任何超过三岁的人只要与SCP-053有目视接触,物理接触,或者在她周围停留超过10分钟将会很快变得不理性,偏执 …
SCP-053 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Abby Johnson also known as SCP-053 (" Young Girl ") was a young human girl who caused irrational anger in older humans. This caused them to attack 053; if they successfully landed a blow, they suffered a heart attack and would die. Abby Johnson, the daughter of Madeline and Andrew Johnson, was born on March 6th, 2005, in Pennsylvania.
SCP-053 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
2008年10月26日 · SCP-053 - The Young Girl is a Euclid-class SCP from Series I. The article was either moved from the old SCP Wiki on EditThis by Dr Gears. The titular "Young Girl" described in SCP-053 appears to be a three-year-old female child.
SCP-053 - Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
SCP-053, also known as the Young Girl, is a Euclid class object contained by the SCP Foundation. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence...
SCP-053 | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-053 appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people.
SCP-053 | Young Girl (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-053 appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely...
SCP-053 - Young Girl - The SCP Foundation Database
2019年11月15日 · Description: SCP-053 appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people.