Dr Clef's Proposal - SCP Foundation
Human beings exposed to SCP-001 report hearing a voice in their heads, giving them a directive which the subject reports cannot be disobeyed. The most common directive is "FORGET", which results in the subject walking away from SCP-001 with no memory of having encountered it.
SCP-001 - SCP Foundation
All files concerning the nature of SCP-001, including the decoy/decoys, are protected by a memetic kill agent designed to immediately cause cardiac arrest in any nonauthorized personnel attempting to access the file. Revealing the true nature/natures of SCP-001 to the general public is cause for execution, except as required under - - .
SCP-001 — Wikipedia - SCP Foundation
2025年1月21日 · SCP-001, alternatively designated as the 001-Apotheosis Entity or LSA-Korea-01, and previously codenamed under the frequent misnomer The Broken God by the SCP Foundation was a significantly powerful mechanical entity assembled in northern Korea by members of the Church of the Broken God on December 8th, 1942.
SCP-001 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
通用说明001-Alpha:为防止SCP-001的真相泄漏,零份/多份伪造的掩盖文件与一份/多份真正的001文件一并储存。 所有涉及到SCP-001本质的文件,包括一份/多份假文件,均受模因抹杀触媒保护,未经授权的人员查看,将立刻导致其心脏骤停死亡。
2020年3月19日 · 一说SCP-001就是圣经中的天使,而田园里的果树所结的就是亚当夏娃偷吃的禁果,上帝赶出亚当夏娃之后派了一个拿着火焰的剑的天使守护“伊甸园”。 有人说SCP-001其实就是守门者身后的“伊甸园”,就是人类的起源之地。 还有一种说法,SCP-001守门者应该是外星人驻扎在地球外星人,这个外星文明种族每到一颗星球就会留下一部分以做星球发展观测。 甚至有人猜测可能正是SCP-001的警告命令让基金会坚定信念创建的基金会。 不管怎么说SCP-001也不一 …
SCP-001-EX解密 - SCP基金會
SCP-001即ERZATZ AK9型運算引擎,於1955年由基金會建造而成,目的在於提供尚未被發現之異常項目的地點與性質之預測性分析;其原理乃是將過去已知的項目地點與性質等訓練資料集,透過多層感知器進行分析。
The Gate Guardian - SCP Database Wiki
The Gate Guardian is an entity residing between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq. He guards the gate to the Garden of Eden, utilizing his flaming sword to annihilate any attempting trespassers. The Gate Guardian also possibly kickstarted the …
SCP-001 - SCP Database
2025年2月13日 · A version of the Berryman-Langford kill agent protecting SCP-001 files on the English SCiPNet. SCP-001 consists of several proposals as to what 001 truly is. According to GENERAL NOTICE 001-Alpha, various files were fabricated …
SCP-001 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-001 consists of several proposals as to what 001 truly is. According to GENERAL NOTICE 001-Alpha, various files were fabricated to prevent leaks of the true proposals. Its entry in SCiPnet is protected by the Berryman-Langford memetic kill agent, which results in immediate cardiac arrest upon viewing it without proper inoculation.
Exploring the SCP Foundation: SCP-001 - The Ones That Got Away
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/plague-s-proposalWritten by: PlaguePJPSupport the Patreon to see Exploring videos early and vote on new ones!: http://bit.ly/1U9...