SCP-012 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-012 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-012 is to be kept in a darkened room at all times. If the object is exposed to light or seen by personnel using a light frequency other than infrared, remove personnel for mental health screening and …
0112 - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
SCP-0112具有人類之外貌,肥胖體型是它在外表上一大特徵,能偽裝在人類群內,但通常是獨自一人。 據觀察,SCP-0112擁有能將SCP以外,所有存在或不存在之人、事、物,召喚出來,並完全控制改召喚物(SCP之照片亦在此範圍內)。
SCP-012 - SCP基金会
SCP-012须存入一铁盒内,吊挂于天花板,并与地板、墙壁及任何出入口保持至少2.5米(8英尺)距离。 描述: SCP-012在一次针对一座近期被风暴摧毁的意大利北部古墓的发掘中由考古学家K·M·桑多瓦尔回收。
SCP-012 - 百度百科
SCP-012 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
SCP-012须存入一铁盒内,吊挂于天花板,并与地板、墙壁及任何出入口保持至少2.5米(8英尺)距离。 描述: SCP-012在一次针对一座近期被风暴摧毁的意大利北部古墓的发掘中由考古学家K·M·桑多瓦尔回收。
SCP-012-EX - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-012-EX 为被某种形式的不可见的恶意实体跟踪的偏执感,通常为其在低光照条件下爬上一级或多级楼梯时出现。 SCP-012-EX 常见于儿童及青少年之中,且可能持续至成年;其于西方文化中出现得更为普遍——主要为在郊区环境中经历而得。
SCP-012 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-012 ("A Bad Composition") is a handwritten musical score titled On Mount Golgotha that is currently unfinished. It contains a cognitohazard that induces a trance in which people mutilate themselves in order to continue writing until a section is …
SCP-012-INT - SCP International - Wikidot
Each containment cell is equipped with a special-purpose environmental control and life-support system capable of controlling the atmosphere inside each enclosure, including the complete evacuation of oxygen; a customised air-conditioning system, and subsystems for the maintenance of water, sewage, and the delivery of objects.
SCP-012 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
SCP-012 concerns an incomplete composition which drives anyone who looks at it to attempt to finish the piece with their own blood. SCP-012 is notable among other Series I articles due to both it's popularity and the number of Tales it has spawned, resulting in the creation of the "On Mount Golgotha" canon.
[GL] Epsilon-11 SOP - Anomaly Containment Guidelines
SCP Description: SCP-012 is a Musical Composition Sheet written in Human Blood. Due to the effects of SCP-0112, exposed subjects have mutilated themselves in order to use their own blood to...