SCP-024-1 - Roblox Minitoon's SCP Containment Breach Wiki
As of 2023, It is still possible to unlock SCP-024-1 with a new obtainment method being added in the most recent update, in order to unlock it you must beat its gameshow pocket dimension when you are captured by a player using SCP-024-1.
SCP-024 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-024 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-CN-024是对随机发生在中国境内大量(≥50只)不同种类的雀形目鸦科鸟类异常集聚事件的统称。 尽管未发现任何必然导致SCP-CN-024集聚事件的原因,但已总结出部分SCP-CN-024事件规律: ·SCP-CN-024集聚事件通常发生在即将发生灾难/事故或某一与异常现象有关的地区,目前未确认是否是SCP-CN-024集聚事件的发生导致了相关事件的发生。 此时若任何尝试驱散SCP-CN-024均导致了个体被卷入发生的事件中从而导致了个体的死亡。 ·SCP-CN-024所有个 …
SCP 024-1 | ROBLOX Containment Breach Wikia | Fandom
You cannot play SCP 024-1 anymore because SCP Anomaly Breach was terminated. This may come back In a future update, But we are not sure yet. Restani's SCP rating [ ]
scp-024 - 百度百科
SCP-024「死亡游戏秀」是网络共笔怪谈体系《 SCP基金会 》中的一场建筑。其外观为一废弃摄影棚。须同时有多个人在scp-024内参与游戏,且只能产生一位获胜者。获胜者会拿到包括但不限于现金、豪车、收藏品、全薪假期在内的随机奖品,而其余失败者则不知所踪。
Containment Breach | Roblox Wiki | Fandom
2024年11月30日 · SCP-024-1: An unlockable SCP that you could get from completing wubby301's now removed "Anomaly Breach". (UNOBTAINABLE) SCP-035: Is a possessive mask that when put on makes the player walk against their own will at random moments.
SCP-024-FR - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-024-FR. Threat Level: Yellow Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-024-FR is to be kept under a sealed glass bell jar at all times, in a 2×2×2.5m room fitted with an airlock capable of being vacuum sealed at any time. Should the glass dome be damaged, a D-Class subject equipped with a hazmat suit is to enter the ...
SCP-024-1 | Roblox Containment Breach Wiki | Fandom
SCP-024-1 is an SCP that appears in Containment Breach. SCP-024-1 is the announcer in SCP-024. Although there is no visual appearance of said announcer, with the document of SCP-024 only states that SCP-024-1 could just be heard through announcement. In-Game, this representation of SCP-024-1 is...
The Announcer (SCP Foundation) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Announcer is a minor antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It takes the form of a game show announcer who appears within an unnamed building overseen by the Foundation, on a sound stage designated SCP-024. If a group enters the building housing SCP-024, they are greeted by the announcer...
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.