SCP-365 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-365 is a green pool noodle made of polyethylene foam. By itself, it displays no unusual properties and is physically identical to a typical noodle of similar size. SCP-365's unusual properties manifest only when it is placed in a body of water.
SCP-365 - SCP Explained
Laconic Description: SCP-365 is a green pool noodle. When put in the pool with the subject submerge, they're unable to get out. When inside the pool with the noodle, subject describe themselves being in an infinite sea while not.
SCP-035 - SCP Foundation
2024年9月30日 · SCP-035 has scored in the 99th percentile on all intelligence and aptitude tests administered to it, and appears to have a photographic memory. However, psychological analysis has discovered SCP-035 to possess a highly manipulative nature, capable of forcing sudden and profound changes to interviewer's psychological state.
The SCP Foundation Database
The SCP Foundation (and scp-wiki.net) maintains documentation for all of the SCPs in its custody, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents, written in an academic/scientific style, describe the SCPs and include instructions for …
SCP-035 - SCP基金会
scp-035声称参与了大量重大事件,研究人员已得知了它与其他scp项目相关的事件细节及其大体历史。 SCP-035表现出具有高度智能与号召力的人格,对所有对话者都表现得和蔼且谄媚。
建议观看scp6630 简单总结遏火部的伟大,那就是造就了基金会失业率百分之零的奇迹,保证了辞职员工在辞职后百分之百找不到新工作,顺便把你工资收了,最魔怔的一次当属把想要自杀的员工杀掉再复活成活死人,继续压榨其剩余价值
SCP-035 | SCP - 收容失效 中文维基 - Fandom
scp-035声称其高度了解人类思维的运作方式,并表示如有足够时间,它可以改变任何人的思想。 游戏中 [] 通过对讲机可以听到scp-035求助, 它表示它知道设施周围的路并且它可以帮助玩家逃出去。
365 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-365 is a complex network of underground tunnels and chambers located underneath an abandoned residential building in , Iowa. SCP-365 does not appear to have been used for the past years and consists of several interconnected rooms connected by metal walkways, doors, and a large ventilation system.
SCP-365 - Official SCP: Unity Wiki
SCP-365, or "Pool Noodle", is an upcoming SCP in SCP: Unity that will be added in an as of yet unannounced update. SCP-365 is a green pool noodle made of polyethylene foam. By itself, it displays no unusual properties and is physically identical to a typical noodle of similar size.
SCP-365 | Wiki Fundação SCP | Fandom
Descrição: SCP-365 é um grande macarrão de piscina de coloração verde feito de espuma de polietileno. Por si só, não exibe propriedades incomuns e é fisicamente idêntico a um macarrão típico não-anômalo de tamanho similar. As propriedades incomuns de SCP-365 se manifestam apenas quando SCP-365 é colocado em um corpo de água.