O5-13 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-13 is the thirteenth member of the O5 Council, the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. As with other O5 members, O5-13 is an enigmatic figure, who's true identity and appearance are completely unknown to the rest of the Foundation, save for the rest of …
O5 Command Dossier - SCP Foundation
2024年11月2日 · Each O5 member knows almost everything there is to know about the Foundation and its activities. Between them all, they know every single secret that the Foundation holds. Most Foundation personnel spend their entire careers without seeing them. Members below Clearance Level 2 don't even know they exist.
O5指挥部档案 - SCP基金会
这份档案会展示每位O5议会成员的多份矛盾报告。 我研究得已经很广泛,但对手的状况让答案是否真实无从获知。 虽然看起来O5议会只有十三个人,但这也无法保证。 也许是有多人共用了一个O5编号。 也许是好几十号人。 但也许就只有一个。 也许其中只有一份报告是真的,又或者说这些报告是同一人的不同侧面,掺入了替身和假情报。 也许没有一篇是真的。 档案末尾会有来源充足的报告 质疑几乎此处每一个推论的真实性。 你必须仔细判断。 O5-1:"奠基人"。 男性,欧洲 …
Captain Kirby's Proposal - SCP Foundation
2024年4月7日 · Description: SCP-001 is the entity known as O5-13. The exact nature of SCP-001 is not yet known. How SCP-001 came to be in the position of O5-13 is still under investigation. Due to the current lack of understanding of SCP-001, it has been deemed necessary to keep SCP-001 unaware of its containment.
O5 Command | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
The O5 Command (also known as the O5 Council, Overseers, Overwatch, and the Big Thirteen) are the highest known authority within the SCP Foundation, consisting of the organization's top-ranking...
O5指揮部檔案 - SCP基金會
O5議會似乎有著13名成員,即便是這點也是有疑問的。 也許每個O5編號都有多個人共享,也許是十幾個,又或許真只有一個。 也許每分報告中只有一分是真實的,也許每分報告都是對同一人不同方面的側寫,當中也可能有替身或虛假資訊的混入。 又或許這些全都不是真的。 檔案的結尾會充分注明其來源,對這裡的 幾乎每一個假設的真實性都要抱有懷疑。 你應當小心判斷。 男性。 歐裔。 出身美國。 經核實具有後人類的壽命;148歲以上。 外貌多樣不一。 他是基金會神秘的前 …
基金会里有没有比O5权力更高的存在? - 知乎
o5议会是著名网络共笔文学小说系列《scp基金会》笔下的,是13名对基金会拥有最高掌控权的人员组成的机构。 这13名O5议员拥有无上的权力。 他们不会也不能与任何异常实体进行接触。
O5-11, O5-12, O5-13 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
O5-11's most well-known role is to sign off on Termination Orders of Class D personnel, versus approving their transfer to another Site. Whether all Class D are terminated at Sites due to anomalous exposure, or merely transferred to another site, O5-11 makes the final decision.
SCP-005-J - SCP基金会
SCP-005-J为一11型信息危害,只影响监督者议会现任成员。 为防止ZK级现实崩溃,次级模因危害已嵌入所有SCP-005-J相关文档中。 若以监督者议会成员身份试图进入,可被无限期中止其议会成员资格及所有(包括死亡)福利。 由于SCP-005-J的影响,在发生信息危害突破时不得提供医疗援助,将部署MTF Alpha-5(“蛋糕男孩”)并授权使用致命武力。 若继续访问该文件,您特此同意暴露于未知5级认知危害图像,并核实您并非O5议会现任成员。 我知道监督者负责监督基金会 …
05-13 (REMASTERED) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
O5-13 is an entity of unknown make, origin, ethnicity (should it have had one before), or gender. O5-13 is known to manifest as a black, blurred entity with no distinct or discernible features of any kind, save for a hat and trench coat. This is the closest that O5-13 has ever been recorded as appearing physically.
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