SCP-513 - SCP Foundation
Any noise produced by SCP-513 immediately induces strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure.
SCP-513 - 百度百科
SCP-513「牛铃」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的异常项目之一。 严重锈蚀的牛铃。 摇动后所产生的声音会影响暴露者,使他们不断目击一黑色人形生物(SCP-513-1)。 对于未暴露于此效应下的人来说,SCP-513-1是不可见的。 物理上,SCP-513是一个没有特别之处,严重锈蚀的牛铃。 因为其表面的严重锈蚀,没有找到任何标记或是刻印痕迹。 试图以化学或者物理的方式移除其表面锈蚀物的尝试都失败了。 SCP-513是由 特工在对 号站点进行收容措施Mu的重新设 …
SCP-513 - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
SCP-513, referred to as "A Cowbell", is an SCP object encountered in SCP - Containment Breach. Physically, SCP-513 is an unremarkable, rusty cowbell. No marks or engravings are visible on its surface due to the large amount of corrosion. Attempts to remove the rust chemically or mechanically...
第十三声枪响 - SCP基金会
2025年3月14日 · 建筑中,一名年迈的老人正步履蹒跚地走在空无一人的明亮走廊里。 走廊尽头,只有一扇电梯门在等着他。 他按下了顶层,在电梯里看着门将他与外面的空间分开。 电梯门开了,“第五层到了,请带好您的随身物品离开电梯。 ”语音系统尽职尽责地播报着,他一步一顿着离开电梯,走入了另一个走廊。 第五层只有三个房间,他略过门上标注着“安保室”的第一个和“休息室”的第二个,它们很整洁,整洁到空无一物,就和这座设施刚建成那会儿一样。 老人在距离第 …
SCP-513 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-513. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-513 is to be kept in a solid block of gel. Laconic Description: SCP-513 is a rusty cowbell that whoever hears it's ring will be stalked by a tall black humanoid entity.
SCP-513 - Fondation SCP
Description : Physiquement, SCP-513 est une sonnaille rouillée ordinaire. Aucune marque ou gravure n’est visible sur sa surface à cause de l’étendue importante de la corrosion. Les tentatives de retirer la rouille chimiquement ou mécaniquement n’ont rencontré aucun succès.
O5-13 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-13 is the thirteenth member of the O5 Council, the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. As with other O5 members, O5-13 is an enigmatic figure, who's true identity and appearance are completely unknown to the rest of the Foundation, save for the rest of …
SCP-513 | The Evil Wiki | Fandom
SCP-513 (also known as the Cowbell) is a Euclid-class object in SCP Foundation's containment. SCP-513 is simple, rusty bell. The ringing of SCP-513 causes all who hear it to be stalked by a humanoid abomination known as SCP-513-1.
SCP-513-1 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
SCP-513-1 appears in the game after the player rings SCP-513. It simply stalks the player, appearing briefly before disappearing and breathing loudly. It simply serves as a fear and scaring mechanic. Destroying SCP-513 will make SCP-513-1 disappear. SCP-513-1 was removed in version 1.0 and replaced with SCP-372 as the harmless fear mechanic.
SCP: Breakout - Sipco Games
SCP-0044 World War II Era Molecular-Fission Cannon: Safe: YES: 2019-01-02 10:44:19: View SCP SCP-0045 Atmospheric Converter: Safe: YES: 2020-02-26 08:28:03: ... SCP-0513 A Cowbell: Euclid: YES: 2018-09-11 10:07:28: View SCP SCP-0523 The Most Unhelpful Object On Earth: Euclid: YES: 2019-01-04 09:54:56: View SCP SCP-0525 Eye Spiders:
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