SCP-070 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-070 appears to be a human male of Native American descent, with a normal appearance save for a pair of rusty metal “wings” emerging from his back. Each wing is …
SCP-077 - 腐敗頭骨 - SCP基金會
SCP-077-1是一種尚未確定確切性質的發光綠色蒸氣;雖然077-1在所有面向上都表現得像是普通的氣體,但其只會佔據項目面前「視線內」的空間,且除非被阻擋,否則不會飄向項目的後方 …
SCP-707 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-707 is a matryoshka doll, or Russian nesting doll, consisting of one (1) center doll and four (4) separating outer layers. The doll is painted in a primarily blue color palette, …
SCP 0707 임진균 - YouTube
scp 0707 code name: 임진균특성: 자기자신만이 옳고 자신과 다른 모든 사람이 찌질하다고 광적으로 믿고있다.단 그 믿음 말고는 모든 능력이 수준 이하다.
SCP-077 - SCP Foundation
2023年4月14日 · SCP-077-1 is a luminescent green vapor whose precise nature remains undetermined; it is to be noted that, although SCP-077-1 behaves as a normal gas in all other …
SCP-077 - Rot Skull - The SCP Foundation Database
2020年3月30日 · SCP-077-1 is a luminescent green vapor whose precise nature remains undetermined; it is to be noted that, although SCP-077-1 behaves as a normal gas in all other …
scp传输文件的命令 - 龙恩0707 - 博客园
2018年1月13日 · scp传输文件的命令. 一:scp常规的使用方式: scp可以进行简单的远程复制文件的功能。它是一个在各个主机之间进行复制或文件传输的一个命令工具。它使用一种同ssh一 …
SCP-077 - SCP財団
生体成分を含まない不透明不浸透障壁がscp-077-1から一時的に身を守る役を果たし得るものの、scp-077を永続的に不透明な容器に収めようという試みにはずっと失敗していて、それはscp …
SCP-077 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
2017年9月3日 · Laconic Description: SCP-077 is a portion of a skull, upon which runes appear each month. If the runes are not decoded and read aloud every eight hours, the skull will expel …
SCP-079 | SCP秘密实验室 Wiki | Fandom
scp-079可以将鼠标悬停在门图标上使用左键打开/关闭门,或者点击右键以锁定门。打开/关闭/封锁都会消耗scp-079的电量。锁定门的时间越长,电量消耗的就越多。scp-079可以使用r键解锁 …