SCP-071 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-071 is a metamorphic entity that possesses the ability to assume forms consistent with that of its observer's strongest sexual desire. This ability is effective even through barriers designed to prevent SCP-071's recognition of any observers such as through closed circuit surveillance or one-way mirrors, but can be prevented by ...
SCP-071 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-071是一个可变形实体,有能力呈现出和其观察者最强烈的性欲望一致的形态。 该能力甚至能在透过用于防止SCP-071识别任何观察者的阻碍后生效,例如透过实时闭路监控或单向镜。 SCP-071似乎不能或不愿在无外部刺激时改变形态,而是在不被观察时维持其最近一个形态。 SCP-071能够呈现出的形态似乎只有很少限制或没有限制(更多信息参见附录071-01)。 SCP-071似乎也是有智能的。 然而由于其未表现过任何用言语交流的能力,且其行为仅限于诱使其 …
SCP-071 - 誘墮變形者 - SCP基金會
在 年 月 日,scp-071暴露在d-8762面前時變成人類女屍的外形。醫療人員確認該狀態的scp-071完全沒有生命跡象,而且scp-071在變化過程中並未受到傷害;稍後,當scp-071暴露在d-8765面前時,變成了 歲的男童。 dr. «
SCP-071-HU - SCP基金会
该异常由SCP基金会113号站进行隔离,该站在1976年被摧毁之前是一个相对偏僻的小型设施,主要负责观察和保护当地的异常生物。 请在准备于本月28日举行的会议时审阅以下文件。 SCP基金会“最高机密”档案,解密以供欣赏。
2023年7月13日 · SCP-071 appears to be unable or unwilling to change form without external stimuli, instead remaining in its last form when left unobserved. There appears to be little or no limit to the forms SCP-071 is capable of assuming (see Addendum 071-01 for additional information). SCP-071 also appears to be intelligent.
SCP-071 - Degenerative Metamorphic Entity - The SCP Foundation Database
2020年2月27日 · Item #: SCP-071. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-071 is contained in a modified Standard Humanoid Containment Cell with no direct observation capabilities. Surveillance of SCP-071 may only be performed via closed circuit video with a minimum of 60 seconds of delay.
SCP-071 | The SCP Articles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-071 appears to be unable or unwilling to change form without external stimuli, instead remaining in its last form when left unobserved. There appears to be little or no limit to the forms SCP-071 is capable of assuming (see Addendum 071-01 for additional information). SCP-071 also appears to be intelligent.
SCP-071-KO - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-071-KO is a species of tree, botanically belonging in the family Cupressaceae. Smaller specimens generally measure around 3m but can grow to as much as 12m at their tallest, with even greater heights being possible under the right conditions.
SCP-071 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
Description: SCP-071 is a metamorphic entity that possesses the ability to assume forms consistent with that of its observer's strongest sexual desire. This ability is effective even through barriers designed to prevent SCP-071's recognition of any observers such as through closed circuit surveillance or one-way mirrors, but can be prevented by ...
SCP-071 - 退化性可变形实体 - 哔哩哔哩
scp-071似乎不能或不愿在无外部刺激时改变形态,而是在不被观察时维持其最近一个形态。 SCP-071能够呈现出的形态似乎只有很少限制或没有限制(更多信息参见附录071-01)。
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